
Diplomatic Summit in the UAE

  •   Energy and Infrastructure Minister Yisrael Katz and Prime Minister's Office Director General Yossi Shelley Meet in Abu Dhabi with Senior UAE and Jordanian Ministers on the Regional 'Water for Electricity' Initiative
    ​Energy and Infrastructure Minister Yisrael Katz and Prime Minister's Office (PMO) Director General Yossi Shelley, yesterday (Monday, 14 August 2023), in Abu Dhabi, met with United Arab Emirates (UAE) Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Jordanian Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Dr. Saleh A. Al-Kharabsheh, Jordanian Minister of Water and Irrigation Muhammad Jamil Musa Al-Najjar, Jordanian Minister of Environment Muawieh Khalid Radaideh and US Senior Advisor in the Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate David Livingston.

    The sides discussed the optimal ways to advance the final stages of the regional Prosperity Initiative for the sale of 200 million cubic meters of desalinated water per annum to Jordan and the purchase of green electricity from a solar farm to be established by the UAE in Jordan – ahead of the signing of binding agreements at the COP28 United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Dubai at the end of the year.

    Also attending the meeting were Energy and Infrastructure Ministry Director General Kobi Blitstein, Energy and Infrastructure Ministry Deputy Director General Barak Naftali, Israeli Ambassador to the UAE Amir Shavit, Water Authority Director Yechezkel Lifshitz, Prosperity Agreements Project Director Brig.-Gen. (Ret.) Asher Ben-Lulu and Masdar CEO Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi.

    PMO Director General Shelley delivered greetings on behalf of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the advancement of the project.

    At the meeting, final details were formulated for a comprehensive outline due to be signed in a G4 agreement at COP28 by Israel, the UAE, Jordan and the US.​