israel lebanon gas

Israel Lebanon reach historic maritime agreement

  •   Government approves by a large majority the principles of the agreement with Lebanon
    ​The government, this afternoon approved, with an overwhelming majority, the principles of the agreement with Lebanon as well as Prime Minister Yair Lapid's proposal to send the agreement to the Knesset for review.

    The members of the government expressed their support for the importance and necessity of the maritime agreement with Lebanon at this time, as well as their support for Prime Minister Lapid's proposal to send the agreement to the Knesset for review. During the cabinet meeting, the relevant professional bodies presented the principles of the agreement and the ways it will strengthen national security and regional stability.

    The agreement and the explanatory notes will be sent to the Knesset tonight and will be brought to the attention of all members of the Knesset. It is set to be presented to the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

    At the end of 14 days, the agreement will be submitted for government approval. This is in accordance with the necessary regulations, as well as the overview and approval of the Attorney General.

    The Security Cabinet yesterday approved Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s summary, with the exception of Minister Ayelet Shaked who abstained.​

    The text of the summary said, "There is importance and urgency in reaching the maritime agreement between Israel and Lebanon, at this time. The members of the Security Cabinet express their support for the Government of Israel to advance the agreement."

    Intense negotiations

    The PM has reached an historic agreement settling the maritime dispute with Lebanon. The draft agreement meets all the security and economic principles laid out by Israel. The agreement followed intensive dialogue through the American mediator Amos Hochstein between Lebanon and the Israeli negotiating team led by National Security Council head Dr. Eyal Hulata, Director-General of the Energy Ministry Lior Schillat and Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alon Ushpiz. 

    Once Israel received a draft agreement that met all of its security, economic, and legal demands as set out by Prime Minister Yair Lapid, the PM instructed Cabinet Secretary Shalom Shlomo to convene a Security Cabinet meeting followed by a special government meeting at which the agreement came before the government for approval, before its presentation to the Knesset.

    Biden: You are making history

    Yesterday, the Prime Minister spoke with the President of the United States, Joseph R. Biden, Jr. President Biden began by congratulating Prime Minister Lapid on the historic agreement with Lebanon on a maritime boundary, after a decade of attempts. President Biden told Prime Minister Lapid: “You are making history.”
    The President thanked the entire Israeli team that took part in the talks and expressed his appreciation for their trust and confidence. The leaders also discussed the importance of the agreement, which will ensure Israel’s security on its northern border and strengthen the Israeli and Lebanese economies.
    Prime Minister Lapid thanked President Biden for his leadership and for America’s mediation of the maritime negotiations between Lebanon and the Israeli negotiating team. The Prime Minister expressed special appreciation for the American mediator, Amos Hochstein, for his intensive and effective work. He also thanked the American team, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa at the National Security Council, Brett McGurk.
    President Biden emphasized to Prime Minister Lapid his commitment to Israel’s security and regional stability. The President also added that the two leaders’ ability to work together and reach this agreement is a testament to the strong and unbreakable bond between the two leaders themselves and between Israel and the United States.

    Lapid: A deal that's good for Israel's security, energy, economy

    At Wednesday's press conference PM Lapid had the following to say:

    "Good evening, before anything else, I want to send all of our condolences to the families of Sergeant Noa Lazar z”l and Staff Sergeant Ido Baruch z”l, who fell this week in the line of duty, defending the citizens of Israel. We will not rest until we apprehend their murderers.  

    “After months of complex negotiations which reached their peak in recent days, we have succeeded in reaching a diplomatic-economic agreement with Lebanon on a maritime boundary between our countries. “We refused the final demands raised by the Lebanese government last week, and they were removed from the final wording. Today, the agreement was presented before the Security Cabinet and the Government, both of whom approved by a large majority the continuation of this process. I thank President Joe Biden and President Emmanuel Macron for their support, backing, and assistance.

    “This is a great achievement for the State of Israel, for Israel’s security and for Israel’s economy. This deal preserves the security of communities in the north as well as the freedom of action of the IDF and the Israeli Navy’s control of the area closest to the shoreline, on what is known as the Buoy Line. The security establishment made clear to the Security Cabinet and the Government that this agreement optimally meets our security needs. As the Chief of General Staff told the Government, it does not preserve our security, it enhances our security. 

    “This agreement staves off the possibility of a military clash with Hezbollah. Israel is not afraid of Hezbollah. The IDF is stronger than any terror organization, and if we went out to battle, we would deal them a heavy blow. That being said, if it is possible to prevent war, it is the job of a responsible government to do so. At every step of the way, we made it clear to the Lebanese — that with or without an agreement, Israel will not delay by even a single day, the production [of gas] from the Karish platform, and will not give in to any threat. The Karish field is in our sovereign territory, and an attack on it is an attack on the State of Israel. We will not hesitate for a second to use force to defend our gas field. 

    “This deal secures the energy security of the State of Israel and will bring in billions in revenue that every family in Israel will benefit from. Israel will receive approximately 17% of the revenues from the Lebanese gas field, the Qana-Sidon field, if and when they will open it. We built this agreement with the Americans so that money from this field will not reach Hezbollah. 

    “Now that negotiations have been concluded, the Government has approved placing the agreement on the table of the Knesset for 14 days, and this will already be done this evening. All classified intelligence materials that we cannot bring before the Knesset plenum, will be laid out before the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. When the deal is brought before the public, everyone will be able to see for themselves what an historic achievement it is for Israel, and the extent to which the false and poisonous propaganda spread about it is disconnected from reality, done for political purposes, primarily by people who had not seen the deal and had no clue what was and was not in it. 

    “This evening, I sent an invitation for a briefing to Opposition Leader Netanyahu, so he can know about the agreement and its details. We will invite all the opposition party heads for a briefing and show them the details of the deal for the first time. 

    “This is an agreement signed off on by all the security bodies, that the United States and the international community are praising, that instead of war: brings the people of Israel billions in revenues and energy security for years to come. I want to thank Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, and Energy Minister Karine Elharrar and her team, who truly have not slept for months. I want to thank the head of the negotiating team, National Security Advisor Dr. Eyal Hulata, Director-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alon Ushpiz, Military Secretary Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil, and all the staff of the Prime Minister’s Office. 

    “This is a good deal for the State of Israel. For Israel’s security. For Israel’s economy. For the citizens of Israel.

    “Thank you."