herzog zelensky

Herzog Zelensky speak

  •   President Isaac Herzog speaks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    President Isaac Herzog spoke with President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine today (Thursday, 24 November 2022).

    At the start of their phone call, President Zelensky wished to offer strength to the people of Israel after yesterday's terror attacks in Jerusalem, killing the young Aryeh Shechopek. President Zelensky also underscored the deep connection between Israel and Ukraine, which exists not only between leaders but also between citizens, including many Jewish immigrants to Israel from Ukraine.

    President Herzog thanked President Zelensky for his condolences. The President added that the Israeli public is concerned for the wellbeing of the Ukrainian people and is working in various ways to alleviate its humanitarian suffering.

    President Zelensky welcomed the conclusion of elections in Israel and expressed hope for cooperation with the next government. President Herzog described the process of government formation and underscored the desire to maintain dialogue with Ukraine on several humanitarian issues, especially concerning the approaching winter, immediately upon the establishment of the next government.

    The two leaders agreed to remain in contact.