herzog judiciary

Herzog calls for national calm

  •   The president presented his judicial proposal last week
    Following a speech by the PM, President Isaac Herzog last night addressed the nation: "Last night we witnessed very difficult scenes. I appeal to the Prime Minister, members of the Government, and members of the Coalition: there are harsh and painful feelings. The entire nation is rapt with deep worry. Our security, economy, society — all are under threat. The whole people of Israel are looking at you. The whole Jewish People are looking at you. The whole world is looking at you.

    "For the sake of the unity of the People of Israel, for the sake of the necessary responsibility, I call on you to halt the legislative process immediately.

    "I appeal to the leaders of all Knesset factions, Coalition and Opposition alike, to place this country's citizens above all else and to act with courage and responsibility without further delay. Wake up now! This is not a political moment; this is a moment for leadership and responsibility."​

    President Herzog presented last Wednesday his proposal for judicial reform in Israel - "the People’s Directive for Changes in the Justice System". 

    At the presentation, the President said: "The serious security incident made public a few hours ago is clear proof that our enemies keenly detect the fraying of our Israeli sense of togetherness and are acting accordingly... The last few weeks have been tearing us apart. They have damaged our economy, our security, Israel’s diplomatic ties, and especially Israel’s cohesion... 

    "Over the past few weeks, I have met thousands of citizens at the President’s Residence and outside it. The State of Israel’s finest sons and daughters. True patriots, on all sides of this dispute. Never in my life—never in my worst nightmares!—did I think I’d hear such words, even from a very small minority? I heard horrifying rhetoric. I heard real, deep hatred. I heard people on all sides, for whom, God forbid, the thought of blood in the streets is no longer shocking... civil war is a red line! I will not allow it to happen! At any price...

    "... I have frequently stated that structural changes are required in the relations between the branches of government in Israel. I stand foursquare behind this determination. This will be to the benefit of our citizenry and to the benefit of our state. But fundamental and profound changes to the relations between the branches of government must be made wisely, to ensure that they bring blessings and good to the greatest number of people...  

    "...I have done everything in my power, day and night, to pursue justice and peace. I have spoken with a very broad spectrum of leaders and citizens. From all sections of the nation, of all varieties and identities, of all positions. Thousands of people. I have not skipped a single group...  Most citizens of Israel want a framework that will regulate once and for all the relations between the branches of government in Israel. Most citizens of Israel want a broad consensus. Most citizens of Israel want to live good and secure lives...

    "... The framework that I present today represents the golden mean, which accommodates in a fitting, fair, balanced, and constructive manner these perspectives, beliefs, concerns, and anxieties. It reflects the zone of agreement and the greatest possible common ground. As I have already said: if only one side wins, the State of Israel will lose. In this framework, there is no winning side or losing side. This is a framework with which all victory goes to the State of Israel...​

    "... as I speak, the People’s Framework is being sent to the nation’s elected officials—to the heads of the Knesset factions. The responsibility lies with them, and the responsibility is mighty. If they wish, they may debate it; if they wish, they may continue their war of all against all. Citizens of Israel, I believe in us, in each and every one of us, in this amazing Israeli mosaic. Let us take this step. Let us do it together, with justice and peace among us."​

    PM: No balance

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked on the President's outline: "I think that any effort to reach agreement and have dialogue is certainly worthy and to this end representatives from the coalition went and spoke with the President time and again, while the representatives of the opposition were not prepared for even one discussion. Unfortunately, the coalition representatives did not agree upon what was presented by the President. The main clauses in the outline only enshrine the existing situation and do not bring about the necessary balance between the authorities in Israel. This is the unfortunate truth."

     President Herzog responded to the rejection of the "People's Directive" by the coalition: "I hear the reactions and I accept substantive criticism with love and immense respect. I suggest that everyone study the Directive and my speech in-depth and see how much they offer a good alternative for Israel. The Directive is a basis that can be worked on, to change and make it more precise. It is not the end of the discussion but only the beginning. Everything is in order to find broad agreement in Israeli society and prevent a rift among us and to bring about a national consensus – and everything is based upon a love of Israel."​