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Ministry Enacts Green Standard

  •   Israeli Ministry for Foreign Affairs publishes Environmental Standard Framework
    ​The Israel Foreign Ministry is requiring all embassies and foreign delegations to comply with its new  Green Standard – established as part of the “Green Foreign Ministry” project, which aims to situate the Foreign Ministry as a leader amongst Israeli government ministries as well as to represent the State of Israel in the fields of sustainability and environmental awareness.

    The Standard is designed to reflect the activities of our diplomatic missions in the fields of sustainability, environmental protection, and climate. The activities are ranked according to star ratings and compliance with the “Green Standard” of the Foreign Ministry mission. Each mission that meets the Green Standard will be awarded a certificate.

    The goals of the project are: 

    • To promote environmentally friendly and sustainable practices, including: awareness; employee engagement and the various physical aspects of office work; reduction of environmental impact (the ecological footprint); and striving for balanced conduct (in terms of environmental impact), with an eye towards constant improvement.
    • To assist in branding the MFA as a “green ministry” in the eyes of staff and the general public, advertising and marketing of our ‘green’ activities, community participation in public diplomacy (‘hasbara’), and promotion of awareness, and
    • To assist in branding Israeli diplomatic missions across the world as active promoters of environmental issues and sustainability, in cooperation with local communities.

    Missions will need to conform to standards vis-à-vis:

    • Environmental management and employee engagement 
    • Eco-Friendly purchasing
    • Waste management (reduction, reuse, recycling)
    • Energy efficiency & smart use of electricity
    • Efficient use of water
    • Transportation
    • Working with local communities.

    Thus, for example, electricity and water consumption data will be recorded every month and automatically updated periodically.