
Gazans Pay the Price of Terror - AGAIN

  •   Statements by PM Lapid and MOD Gantz (updated)
    ​In an uncharacteristic admission, AP this week admitted there were no signs of Israeli fire causing the deaths of most Gazans during the latest round of fighting: 

    "AP saw none of the telltale signs of an Israeli strike — the wide craters left by F-16s or the narrow holes caused by drone strikes... Al-Mezan and the PCHR said they are still investigating that episode."

    Lapid: Another Way to Live

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz issued the following statements to the media at the Kirya in Tel Aviv this evening (Monday, 8 August 2022):
    Prime Minister Lapid:
    "In Operation Breaking Dawn, Israel reclaimed initiative. It restored Israel’s deterrence. All our goals were achieved. The entire senior military command of Islamic Jihad in Gaza was successfully targeted within three days. The strength and ingenuity of the Israel Defense Forces dealt a devastating blow to the enemy.
    The resilience and responsible conduct of the residents of communities near the Gaza Strip and the Israeli home front, alongside the active protection provided by our Iron Dome batteries, saved lives and prevented casualties. We send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to those injured.
    At the same time as the operation in Gaza, the Israel Security Agency (ISA) and the IDF carried out widespread arrests of Islamic Jihad operatives in Judea and Samaria. The Israeli government has maintained its forceful policy of zero tolerance for terrorism. Anyone who tries to harm us - will pay with their life.
    Throughout the operation, special efforts were made to prevent harm to civilians. The State of Israel will not apologize for using force to protect its citizens, but the death of innocent civilians, especially children, is heartbreaking.
    I want to speak directly to the residents of the Gaza Strip and tell them: There is another way. We know how to protect ourselves from anyone who threatens us, but we also know how to provide employment, a livelihood and a life of dignity to those who wish to live by our side in peace.
    There is another way to live. The way of the Abraham Accords, of the Negev Summit, of innovation and prosperity, of regional development and joint projects. The choice is yours. Your future is in your hands.
    I wish to convey my deep appreciation to Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kohavi, ISA Director Ronen Bar, Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai, and to the thousands of women and men under their command. The people of Israel can rely on them. Israel’s security is in good hands...
    Yesterday in Sderot, I met with the heads of the regional councils adjacent to the Gaza Strip. They are strong and their residents are strong. The entire people of Israel support them. Under the leadership of Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman, we are already preparing an organized assistance and compensation package for these residents. This government will not disappear from their lives the day after the shooting stops."

    Gantz: Hamas Bears Responsibility

    Defense Minister Benny Gantz continued: "We constantly conduct operational activities in order to maintain the security of the State of Israel, ensure stability in the Middle East and reduce attempts by our enemies to strengthen.
    In the future, should it be necessary, we will launch a preemptive strike in order to protect the citizens of Israel, and defend its sovereignty and infrastructure. This is true on every front. From Tehran to Khan Yunis. 
    Our military achievement rests on operational and intelligence capabilities that we have built over the years, on our precise capabilities, on our outstanding air defense system and on responsible and determined decision-making....
    I would like to emphasize – the Hamas terrorist organization bears territorial responsibility in the Gaza strip. Wherever this responsibility is not implemented, we will operate forcefully and use all the means at our disposal – both military and civilian. We will operate in accordance with our need and considerations."

    Lapid: Zero tolerance - Terror will not set our agenda

    At the onset of the operation, PM Lapid made the following statement:

    "Approximately four hours ago, the Israel Defense Forces - in cooperation with the Israel Security Agency - struck Islamic Jihad targets in Gaza. Among those killed were Taysir al-Jabari, one of the two most senior commanders in Islamic Jihad, as well as a cell preparing to launch an anti-tank missile attack against Israel.

    The directive the security forces received from us was clear: Israel will not sit idly by when there are those who are trying to harm its civilians. This government has a zero-tolerance policy for any attempted attacks - of any kind - from Gaza toward Israeli territory.

    Terrorist organizations will not set the agenda in the area adjacent to Gaza, we will not tolerate any threat against our civilians. I thank Defense Minister Benny Gantz, the IDF and its commanders led by Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, and the ISA led by Ronen Bar, for the quality of their intelligence and for their precise execution.... 

    Today’s activity in Gaza was against concrete threats which disrupted daily routine in southern Israel. Israel isn’t interested in a wider conflict in Gaza, but will not shy away from one either.

     A word for the international media: Israel carried out a precise counter-terror operation against an immediate threat. Our fight is not with the people of Gaza. Islamic Jihad is an Iranian proxy that wants to destroy the State of Israel and kill innocent Israelis. The head of Islamic Jihad is in Tehran as we speak. We will do whatever it takes to defend our people."​