gantz sullivan

MOD Gantz on official visit to the US

  •   Israel's Defense Minister meets U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan
    ​(Communicated by the MOD Spokesperson) 

    Minister of Defense Benny Gantz began his official visit to the United States today (Thursday, 19 May 2022) in a meeting with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan in the White House. At the onset of the discussion, Minister Gantz emphasized the unique bond between the U.S. and Israel, one based both on shared values and mutual interests. He thanked Sullivan for the U.S. Administration and President Biden’s commitment to the security cooperation between the respective defense establishments.
    MOD Gantz discussed Iran’s progression in its nuclear program alongside its destabilizing regional activities and emphasized the need to work closely and prepare for any future scenario. This would be conducted within the framework of Israel’s excellent defense cooperation with the U.S. and growing ties with regional partners.
    MOD Gantz debriefed Advisor Sullivan on the recent wave of terror that has claimed 20 human lives. They discussed Israel’s ongoing operational activities in face of incitement and terror. Minister Gantz emphasized that Israel will take the measures necessary to defend its citizens and sovereignty. He added that Israel’s defense establishment is continuing its policy of promoting confidence-building measures vis-a-vis Palestinian civilians that are not involved with terrorist activity.
    The meeting was attended by Israel’s Ambassador to the U.S. Director of the Policy and POL-MIL Bureau and the Defense Minister's Military Secretary.​