
Israel Highlights IAEA Cooperation on Iran

  •   Israel’s statement to the 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency
    ​​The 66th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) convened in Vienna from 26-30 September 2022.
    The Israeli delegation was led by Israel Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) Director General Moshe Edri, who addressed the Conference plenum earlier on Wednesday.
    IAEC Director General Edri discussed the Iranian nuclear issue, Iran's non-compliance with its commitments and its continuing lack of cooperation with the IAEA on the open files issue. Regarding the Middle East, the IAEC Director General referred to Syria, which secretly built a nuclear reactor and is in non-compliance, and condemned the threats by terrorist organizations and those who dispatch them to attack Israel's nuclear research facilities.
    IAEC Director General Edri noted Israel's good cooperation with the IAEA on safety, security and nuclear applications and called on the countries of the Middle East, especially those party to the Abraham Accords, to deepen their cooperation in the face of the safety and security challenges in the nuclear world.