coveney in Israel

Coveney in Israel

  •   Irish FM meets Israeli counterpart and president
    ​Irish Foreign Minister Simon Coveney met with Israel's FM Yair Lapid and President Herzog in Jerusalem last Tuesday before continuing to the Palestinian Aughority and Jordan the following day.

    President Herzog later tweeted, "Pleased to welcome Ireland's FM SimonCoveney
     today. We discussed the need to strengthen relations between our countries in new and creative directions. Optimistic that there is a desire for a relationship based on mutual respect."

    He then went on to meet with Foreign Minister Lapid, who reported that they had d"iscussed the bilateral relationship between our two countries and various regional issues including the threat posed by Iran."

    On Tuesday, he met with Israeli Foreign Policy Advisory Board Chairman Ephraim Halevy, before continuing to Ramallah and departing for Jordan the following day.