cohen tajani

FM Cohen meets with Italian FM Antonio Tajani

  •   FMs Eli Cohen and Antonio Tajani sign agreement of mutual recognition and conversion of driver's licenses
    ​Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen met Monday evening (Monday, 13 March 2023) in Jerusalem with his counterpart, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs Antonio Tajani. The two discussed, inter alia, Iran's terrorist activities. FM Cohen emphasized the need to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization in Europe and prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear capabilities by any means possible.

    FM Cohen: "Italy is a country of great importance to the State of Israel and to Europe in general. We view it as a true partner and friend to promote moves in the fields of energy and regional security. In light of the special relationship between Israel and Italy, I asked my friend FM Tajani to act to prevent European intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an activity which often encourages incitement and terrorism, as well as to avoid European attempts to influence internal Israeli politics."

    FM Cohen emphasized that in the wake of PM Netanyahu’s recent visit to Rome, the Italian Foreign Minister's visit to Jerusalem testifies to the depth of the relationship and the great potential between the countries in areas such as trade, security and tourism.

    Italian FM Tajani noted that with regard to Iran, calls for the destruction of Israel are a form of modern antisemitism, because Israel is the state of the Jewish people, and added that the crimes against humanity committed in the Holocaust must be remembered and every form of modern antisemitism must be contested.

    The two foreign ministers signed an agreement on mutual recognition and conversion of Israel-Italian driver's licenses, following intense activity on the part of the Israeli Embassy in Italy and Ambassador Alon Bar who worked on the issue. The agreement is expected to make things easier for hundreds of Israelis, including the many students who live and study in Italy.

    The two foreign ministers also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to hold a political dialogue between the foreign ministries and expressed a joint commitment to act in favor of strengthening the bilateral relationship.​