cohen mfa

FM Cohen meets MFA

  •   Minister of Foreign Affair’s Eli Cohen's speech at a meeting with MFA personnel
    ​Ladies and gentlemen,

    I consider my entry into the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs a great privilege and mission, in light of the importance of foreign policy to the security and national resilience of the State of Israel.

    The Israeli foreign service is among the most challenging, if not the most challenging of all when compared to other countries in the world.

    In my previous positions I worked to promote the peace agreement with Sudan as Minister of Intelligence, and free trade agreements as Minister of the Economy.

    As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I will work to further promote Israel's position in the world, strengthen international relations, and establish diplomatic relations with other countries.
    2023 is a year of opportunities and challenges. The State of Israel has reached the point where it has security, intelligence and technological capabilities, energy independence and energy reserves, as well as the Abraham Accords that have proven their contribution to the countries that took part in them.

    As in the past, so it will be in the future - our priority will be the strategic relations with our closest ally - the United States.

    There is no substitute for Israel-US relations. It is a long-term strategic partnership based first and foremost on common values as well as on common interests.

    On my first day upon taking office as Minister of Foreign Affairs I was happy to speak with the US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, a friend and lover of Israel. In the afternoon I will speak with the

    American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, to ensure the continuation of the strategic cooperation between the countries.

    The challenges faced by Europe vis-à-vis security and energy position Israel as a key player.

    This is an opportunity to deepen and strengthen the relationship with European countries in comparison to recent years.

    Tomorrow I am scheduled to talk with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and following that with other foreign ministers in Europe. In February, I will participate together with an MFA team in the central security conference in Munich.

    The Abraham Accords dramatically changed the face of the Middle East.

    Only in the past year, the trade volumes between Israel and the countries of the Abraham Accords crossed the threshold of ten billion NIS.

    Beyond the economic contribution, there is a very significant security contribution to the countries involved as well as to the strengthening of regional stability.

    Next week, a working meeting of the Directors General of the foreign ministries concerned is due to take place in Abu Dhabi in preparation for another summit of the foreign ministers planned for Morocco this coming March. 

    In light of the tremendous contribution of the Abraham Accords to the participating countries, the expansion of the agreements to include additional countries is not a question of if, but rather when.

    With regard to the Russia-Ukraine issue, we will do one thing for certain -

    In public - we will talk less.

    We will prepare a detailed reference from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Cabinet to formulate a responsible policy.

    In any case, the significant humanitarian aid to Ukraine will continue.

    The State of Israel plays a central role in the dialogue with the Jewish communities around the world.

    The Israeli diplomats are the ones in place with the communities and play a key role vis-à-vis the Jewish population and Jewish organizations. They are also in the forefront in the battle against the growing phenomenon of anti-Semitism.

    The State of Israel is the only UN Member country that another member of the organization calls for its destruction.

    Israel is committed to preventing Iran from obtaining military nuclear capabilities by any means.

    Against the background of the international consensus that the nuclear agreement with Iran is no longer relevant, alongside the strengthening of independent security capabilities for every scenario, we will concentrate on an attempt to form an international front to prevent a nuclear Iran.

    Iran's actions are not only reflected in its ambition to obtain nuclear weapons, but also in the long-range missile project, drones and financing of international terrorism.

    Members of the international community must stop burying their heads in the sand.

    Palestinian hypocrisy was also manifested during the vote at the UN last Saturday.

    In the last 75 years, the Palestinians have not missed any invitations to peace and have never given up an opportunity for war.

    The Palestinian attempts to harm Israel in the international arena will exact a price from them and push the resolution of the conflict further away.

    It is important to note that most of the countries of the world opposed or did not participate in the UN vote, thanks, among other things, to the strenuous activity of the MFA.

    It is the Palestinian leadership that should be standing trial, the only place in the world that rewards murderers of Jews solely because they are Jews.

    The international community must send a clear message to the Palestinian leadership – obliging them to cease incitement in their educational institutions and the funding of murderers of Jews.

    I would like to personally thank MFA Director-General Alon Ushpiz for his assistance in my taking up the position. Alon - Thank you.

    Yesterday I initiated working meetings and introductions to the departments and office personnel. The people I met are some of the best and most talented I have ever known.

    No other entity in the State of Israel has capabilities similar to those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. You staff the State of Israel’s 108 forward command posts around the world. The knowledge, experience and professionalism of MFA personnel, built up over decades of service, are a national asset of the State of Israel.

    During the past year, the MFA suffered from an acute labor dispute that impaired its ability to function. I intend to study the issue and assist in formulating a proper and just solution.

    I will strive to ensure that the situation of the last few years will not be repeated. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will return to initiate and lead, as I did in other places in the past. After my first meetings with the office personnel and their abilities - I have no doubt that this will indeed be the case.

    As every year, this summer there will also be a round of appointments for diplomatic positions around the world. One thing is certain - no one will be appointed who does not recognize the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.

    I would like to end my words with a prayer from Psalms:

    “The LORD gives strength to his people;
        the LORD blesses his people with peace.”

    Thank you.​