blinken in israel

Blinken in Israel

  •   FM Cohen welcomes US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken to Israel. Also meets President & Prime Minister
    ​Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen yesterday welcomed Secretary of State Anthony Blinken upon his arrival at Ben Gurion Airport. Upon greeting him, Cohen reiterated the importance of the joint fight against the Iranian nuclear program and promoting the designation of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. The ministers also talked about expanding the Abraham Accords to other Arab and Muslim countries.

    FM Cohen thanked the Secretary of State for the condemnation he issued against the terror attacks in Jerusalem over the weekend, and emphasized the importance of the alliance between the State of Israel and the United States.

    FM Cohen: "The alliance between Israel and the United States serves as a pillar of our national security and foreign relations. The Secretary of State's visit to Israel is an important and significant signal of friendship. I thank the Secretary of State for the commitment of the US to regional stability, for his unequivocal condemnation against terrorism he voiced immediately upon his arrival to Israel, for the United States' willingness to carry on leading and expanding the Abraham Accords, and for its continued determination to prevent the Iranian regime from supporting terror and developing nuclear weapons".

    Herzog  a voice of clarity

    The following evening, Sec. Blinken met President Isaac Herzogtheir fourth meeting since the President entered office. They discussed the constitutional argument "that has ensued in the Israeli public," the President said, "something that I am heavily devoted to trying to resolve or lead to a path of internal dialogue. As you said correctly, this is an issue that requires wide consensus, and it is an issue many democracies debate. We are a vibrant democracy. ...But at the end of the day, we have to resolve our issues amicably, internally, as societies and nations should do, and this is my main focus these very days."

    Pres. Herzog also spoke about the bilateral issues, saying that "our bonds with the United States are extremely strong, I would say they even transcend politics. It is simply something that is deeply psychological and emotional. We were so honored to host President Biden just a few months ago and I was also honored to visit him in the Oval Office, and I hope that we will be able to continue and develop the relationship in so many other fields together. Thank you very much for coming to Jerusalem.”

    In reply, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, mentioned the weekend's terror attacks: "Our solidarity in this very difficult moment in the wake of the truly horrific terrorist attack just a few days ago, I think made even more horrific... (by) the fact that it took place outside a synagogue and targeted people who were leaving a place of worship. You know our strong solidarity with Israel, with all the people of Israel, when it comes to facing terrorism and we stand with you as always in that." He went on to commend Pres. Heerzog's "leadership, the clarity of your voice when it comes to working to deescalate tensions here among communities, and the clarity of your voice when it comes to finding a good way forward that builds consensus on the question of judicial reform, and of course your voice and your vision on some of the other issues that we’re dealing with as strong allies as strong partners. So I really welcome the opportunity to spend some time and there’s a lot to talk about.”

    Gallant: The visit — a clear message​

    Earlier that day, Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant told Sec. Blinken that his visit "comes at a critical time, and it sends a clear message to our adversaries as well as our partners in the region: the U.S. and Israel are united in the need to face Iran and anyone who threatens peace and stability. ... The defense cooperation between our countries has reached a new peak over the past month as seen in the exceptional ‘Juniper Oak’ exercise." 

    Gallant went on to brief the secretary on Israel’s strategic and operational security challenges, focusing on Iran and its proxies in the northern arena, as well as the recent wave of Palestinian terror attacks and high alert in Judea and Samaria. In this regard, Minister Gallant detailed counterterrorism efforts by Israel’s security forces. He emphasized the importance of restoring stability in the arena and the important role of regional partners in this respect.

    Netanyahu: Welcome Tony

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu opened his speech upon meeting with Sec. Blinken with the words: ​"Secretary of State Blinken, Tony, welcome once again to Jerusalem."

    "We share common values," he continued. "Two strong democracies which will remain, I assure you, two strong democracies. This alliance is something that President Biden is committed to. I've known him for 40 years. He's a true friend of Israel. A true champion of this alliance, as are you.

    "I am not sure that all of Israel know your own contribution in helping us with missile defense in times of peril. You've actually helped us during one crisis in record time and then did so again. And you've also just helped us push back on the attempts to delegitimize Israel at the United Nations and we're grateful for that and for your continual friendship.

    "Your visit comes at an important time. It's a time where many in the international community, I would say most of the international community, have seen the true face of Iran. They've seen the barbarism of this regime against its own people. They've seen how it exports aggression beyond its border and beyond the Middle East. And I think there's a common consensus that this regime must not acquire nuclear weapons. We've had very good discussions on forging a common policy, on trying to work together to thwart the danger.

    "I can repeat again something that you've heard me say many times, our policy and my policy is to do everything within Israel's power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them and that will remain so. But obviously the fact that we and the United States are working together is something that is important for this common goal as well.

    "In addition to thwarting the danger, we also see an opportunity to seize opportunities. The opportunities of expanding the circle of peace. We intend to deepen the peace that we've already made in the Abraham Accords. We've discussed some of the initiatives that we are considering doing together but also perhaps to achieve dramatic breakthroughs that I think could be both historic and enormously significant in our common efforts to bring prosperity, security and peace to this part of the world and beyond.

    "So with this in mind I have to tell you that I also believe that expanding the circle of peace, working to close, finally, the file of the Arab-Israeli conflict I think would also help us achieve a workable solution with our Palestinian neighbors.

    "For all these reasons, I welcome you once again to Jerusalem.
