biden preps

Biden in Israel - Expanded Coverage

  •   Statements by PM Lapid, Pres. Herzog & Pres Biden
    Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden held a bilateral working meeting today followed by team meetings to discuss regional issues including Iran and the nuclear agreement. The Prime Minister thanked the President for his decision not to remove the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations, emphasized his opposition to returning to the nuclear agreement (JCPOA) and advocated for intensifying pressure for Iran to discuss an alternative agreement.
    The two leaders also stressed the importance of the Negev Forum as well as the need to advance cooperation in the framework of the regional architecture and the aspiration to expand the circle of normalization. On the Palestinian issue, the Prime Minister presented Israel's actions to improve the Palestinians' fabric of life in various areas.
    The Jerusalem Declaration and the joint declaration on strategic cooperation in advanced technology will be signed today, alongside a virtual meeting of the I2U2 Forum, which includes United Arab Emirates President, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.

    The brother returns

    Yesterday, Prime Minister Yair Lapid, welcomed US President Joe Biden in a state ceremony at Ben-Gurion International Airport in the presence of President Isaac Herzog, Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Ministers, and additional dignitaries. 
    Prime Minister Yair Lapid's remarked at the state welcoming ceremony, “Mr. President, 
    This is both a historic visit and a deeply personal one. It is historic because it expresses the unbreakable bond between our two countries. Our commitment to shared values: democracy, freedom, and the right of the Jewish people to a state of their own.
    "It is also a personal visit because your relationship with Israel has always been personal. You once defined yourself as a Zionist. You said that you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist... 
    "During your visit, we will discuss matters of national security. We will discuss building a new security and economic architecture with the nations of the Middle East, following the Abraham Accords and the achievements of the Negev Summit. And we will discuss the need to renew a strong global coalition that will stop the Iranian nuclear program.
    "There will be time for all of that. Right now, we are simply happy to see you, Mr. President. The simple, genuine joy brought by seeing a good friend once again. Mr. President, Welcome to Israel.”

    Lapid was followed by Israeli President Isaac Herzog who welcomed the US President as his "brother Joseph". 

    "... As Joseph son of Jacob who sought out his brothers. Here, Mr. President, you are truly amongst family," Herzog said. "Like the biblical Joseph, you are both a visionary and a leader, committed to advancing the United States of America, the Middle East, the world at large, and the State of Israel.... The State of Israel in which you just arrived, is a successful, innovative nation, which contributes to tikkun olam, to healing the world—through science and medicine, water and food technology, climate innovation and so much more. 

    "Mr. President, you have been a true friend, and staunch supporter of Israel and the Jewish people, of our security and wellbeing, your entire life... Your first trip here in 1973, was just a few weeks before a terrible war broke out. Today, winds of peace are blowing from North Africa across the Mediterranean to the Gulf. This trip, Mr. President, is your journey of peace from Israel to Saudi Arabia, from the Holy Land to the Hejaz; I hope and pray it will help advance a regional vision of prosperity, integration, peace, and security for our entire region. Dear friend, welcome to Israel, welcome home."

    Israel announces pro-Palestinian measures

    BICOM (the British-Israel Communications Research Centre) this morning reports a series of measures for the Palestinians announced by Israel yesterday ahead of US President Joe Biden’s arrival later today. These include 

    • the legalization of status for 5,500 undocumented Palestinians and foreigners living in the West Bank and Gaza.
    • the approval for six Palestinian housing projects in the West Bank,
    • an increase in the number of work permits for Gazans by 1,500 to reach a total of 15,500,
    • the reopening of the Salem crossing in the West Bank to allow entry into the city of Jenin, and 
    • the postponement of 2,000 Jewish housing projects in East Jerusalem 

    Upon landing, Defence Minister Benny Gantz will provide the President with a 20-minute security review, including updates on Iran’s nuclear programme. President Biden and Prime Minister Lapid will then meet on Thursday for a personal meeting, after which they will hold an expanded meeting with their aides.

    The US President will meet his counterpart, President Herzog on Thursday afternoon, to be followed by a 15-minute meeting with Opposition Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu. In the evening, he will attend the opening of the Maccabiah Games, where will meet with the 250-member Jewish American delegation.

    On Friday, President Biden will meet Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, after which he will leave for Saudi Arabia. Israel hopes that Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia will help promote normalisation; however, yesterday, US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan played down hopes for a breakthrough. 

    BICOM also believes Biden may announce the establishment of a regional defense network to deal with the threat of missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Iran. 

    Joint statement on R&D projects

    Earlier today, US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid issued a joint statement announcing the establishment of a Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology under the leadership of the national security advisers in order to significantly enhance their strategic partnership in cutting-edge technologies.

    The initial American delegation for advancing the Strategic High-Level Dialogue on Technology is expected to visit Israel in the coming months in order to discuss joint initiatives in Artificial intelligence, quantum, dealing with climate change, and improving pandemic preparedness.
    Prime Minister Lapid: "This joint announcement puts Israel at the forefront of global innovation and solidifies its status as a leading technological power. Our vision for one million people in hi-tech begins with international cooperation that will bring new opportunities for the hi-tech sector in Israel."
    The issues that have been selected include Pandemic preparedness, cooperative technology R&D ventures, and rapid medical countermeasure responses (within 60-90 days). In Climate matters, promoting  equitable climate solutions impacting the global climate crisis. Other topics include cooperation in Artificial intelligence technologies in transportation, medicine, agriculture, regulation, and public sector ethics, and quantum information science
    Israel is the fourth country (after Great Britain, Australia and Japan) with such a high-level partnership with the US in the fields of AI and quantum R&D.

    Preparations afoot

    Ahead of the visit to the President's Residence in Jerusalem on Thursday, flags have been ironed, a long red carpet has been rolled out, and a large tent has been erected for media teams. 

    Eyal Shviki, Director-General of the Office of the President, said ahead of President Biden's arrival: "The U.S. President's visit to the Middle East begins in Israel. That is an important statement... Biden is a true friend of the State of Israel, and his contributions to Israel's security have been immense."

    President Herzog is expected to award President Biden the Presidential Medal of Honor—the highest honor that an Israeli president can bestow.

    PM Lapid speaks with Pres. El-Sisi

    Yesterday, PM Yair Lapid spoke with the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who wished the new Prime Minister success in his new role and noted their recent meeting in Cairo in which the two discussed bilateral and regional matters. They emphasized the importance of the peace agreement between Egypt and Israel which laid the foundation for the countries’ strategic relations and is a central pillar of regional stability. The two expressed their commitment to continuing to develop relations, including in the economic sphere.
    The Egyptian President raised the report about the collective grave of Egyptian soldiers during the Six-Day War. Prime Minister Lapid noted that he has directed his Military Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil to examine the issue in-depth and update Egyptian officials.

    ... and with Turkish Pres. Erdogan

    In the evening, Lapid spoke with the President of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who also wished him success in his new role. Additionally, the President congratulated the Prime Minister on his very successful visit to Ankara. 
    Prime Minister Lapid thanked the President for the cooperation between their countries in thwarting attempted terror attacks against Israelis in Türkiye, emphasizing that Israel-Türkiye relations are of great importance for security, the economy, and stability in the Middle East. 
    The two commended the new civil aviation agreement that was signed just a few days ago between their countries and expressed hope for additional improvement in bilateral relations.

    Lapid: We all stand together against Hamas

    On Monday Prime Minister Yair Lapid also spoke at the state memorial ceremony for those who fell in Operation Protective Edge, today, at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem:

    "Eight years have passed since those trying fifty days of Operation Protective Edge, when the IDF fought in Gaza. During those fifty days, our forces inflicted severe damage to terrorist infrastructure, but we also sustained heavy losses on the frontlines and the homefront. 
    "I was a cabinet member during Operation Protective Edge. Nothing prepares you for that moment when you send forces into battle. Every soldier who did not return home is etched onto our souls... The State of Israel, generation after generation, owes its security to its heroes: to the seventy fallen soldiers of Operation Protective Edge, to each of the fallen soldiers of Israel's wars, and to those who fought ferociously and got to return home safely as well. They are the true Defensive Shield, they are our Iron Dome. 
    "In the past year, the Israeli government has adopted a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to terror from Gaza. ... Things that seemed inevitable, such as incendiary balloons, suitcases filled with cash, and sporadic gunfire from Gaza - were brought to almost a complete halt. 
    "... We need to make the civilian population in Gaza realize that they can live a different life. To pressure Hamas to stop shooting at Israel. To that end, we have increased the number of permits for working in Israel that are issued to the residents of Gaza, and we continue to promote the 'Economy for Security' plan. For a long time, the only two options on the table were occupying Gaza or endless rounds of fighting. Our job is to find better solutions. The IDF's strength enables us freedom of action in Gaza, but also economic and diplomatic freedom of action. 

    Our strength is in our unity

    "Fighting terrorism is not a political issue. On the battlefield and in cemeteries, there is no right or left. It is not important who is secular or religious, Druze or Jewish. We all stand together against Hamas... The fallen soldiers of Operation Protective Edge did not die only for Israeli society to break apart from within. 

    " ...If we can die for each other, we must know how to live for each other. If we can fight the enemy together, we should be able to fight together for a common good... On this day, in these times, when domestic divisions and rifts threaten Israeli society, I look around this cemetery and remind us all - that the things that bind us together are greater than those that set us apart. Our strength is in our unity."