aust hizb

Australia designates Hizbollah as terrorists

  •   Australian government declares all branches of Hezbollah a terrorist organization
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    Some of the munitions, weapons and equipment for preparing IEDs that were seized Some of the munitions, weapons and equipment for preparing IEDs that were seized Copyright: ISA
    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Australia on Wednesday joined 17 countries that over the past two years have declared Hezbollah, including all its branches, a terrorist organization. The decision falls within the framework of the international campaign aimed at narrowing Hezbollah's scope of endeavors in the international arena. The campaign, led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in close cooperation with the Israeli security community, was initiated two years ago.

    Australian Minister for Home Affairs Karen Andrews announced today that the Australian government has declared all branches of Hezbollah a terrorist organization, in line with the recommendations of local security officials. In doing so, Australia is expanding its declaration, which so far has included only Hezbollah's overseas terrorist mechanism.

    Cooperation - illegal

    Upon completion of the Australian move, any activity on behalf of Australian personalities or organizations for the benefit of Hezbollah, including financial assistance or public support for the terrorist organization, will be considered a criminal offense. The decision will give Australian law enforcement agencies many more effective tools to combat the organization's activities in Australia.

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid: “I thank the Australian Government for its decision to declare all branches of Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

    “Australia is a close friend of Israel in the fight against global terrorism. In close cooperation with the Israeli security community, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is leading an international campaign to declare Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

    “... there are no separate branches to a terrorist organization. This also applies to the Hezbollah terrorist organization: it is one body, and any separation between its branches is artificial.

    “I call on other countries and the European Union to ... recognize all branches of the organization as a terrorist organization.”

    Hama​s West Bank infrastructure exposed​

    the Israeli Security Agency states that, in cooperation with the IDF and the Israel Police, it has arrested over 50 Hamas militants throughout Judea and Samaria who were involved in establishing a terrorist infrastructure. Money, munitions, weapons and equipment for preparing IEDs were seized. 

    The cells' activities were coordinated by  senior Hamas officials abroad and operated throughout Judea and Samaria in order to perpetrate various attacks – including on a large scale – in Judea and Samaria, and in Jerusalem. Activities were financed by senior Hamas officials led by Saleh Arouri, Hamas Deputy Chairman and head of its 'West Bank District', which is located abroad and works to advance Hamas operations in Judea and Samaria, and in Jerusalem.

    Working alongside Arouri are additional deportees, one of the most prominent of whom is Zacharia Najib, originally a resident of eastern Jerusalem, who was among the kidnappers of the late soldier Nachson Wachsman. He was released in the 'Shalit deal' and works to advance Hamas operations in Judea and Samaria. In 2019, his involvement was uncovered in planning the assassination of prominent Israelis. Najib has been identified as one of the principal figures in the effort to establish this terrorist infrastructure.

    Recruitm​ent and establishing the infrastructure in Judea and Samaria

    The terrorist infrastructure recruited militants from various areas in Judea and Samaria, including Ramallah, Hebron and Jenin. Hijazi Kawasmeh was one of the main militants involved in establishing the infrastructure on the ground.
    Kawasmeh, 37, a known Hamas militant from Hebron, has been arrested numerous times for Hamas activity, including planning operations. He comes from a family of prominent Hamas militants, chief of whom is Mahmoud Kawasmeh, who was deported to Gaza in the 'Shalit deal' and who works from there to advance Hamas operations in Judea and Samaria.
    Hijazi Kawasmeh recruited Hamas militants in Judea and Samaria, including Hamza Zaharan, 40, from Bidu, near Ramallah.

    Promise of financing for an abduction

    In order to advance the attack, Hijazi Kawasmeh met senior figures from the headquarters abroad and received instructions to carry out attacks. Saleh Arouri offered him approximately one million dollars if an abduction was carried out. Subsequently, hundreds of thousands of shekels were transferred to him to expedite the operation.
    Zaharan, who has been arrested numerous times for involvement in Hamas operations, including planning attacks, also joined in the effort to establish the terrorist infrastructure and – inter alia – recruited his brother Ahmed Zaharan, as well as additional family members. These worked – with the funds that had been received from abroad – to acquire weaponry and prepare IEDs, which were seized during the ISA operations.
    On 26 September, Ahmed Zaharan and two additional militants were killed in exchanges of fire with the security forces during ISA operations against the infrastructure in Bidu.

    Locating and seizing materials for manufacturing IED's

    The investigations of the militants by the ISA led to operations in the field during which considerable ordnance was seized from the infrastructure, including sufficient explosive material to make three to four explosive belts.
    Muhammad Abu Al-Hassan, a Hamas militant from Burkin, and Abdul Ani Khidur, a Hamas militant from Sira, were identified as senior figures in the production of explosives. 
    Hamas operatives from abroad and Gaza continue their incessant efforts to recruit residents from Judea and Samaria for terrorist activities. These efforts include an ongoing flow of funding for diversified terrorist operations. One of those most conspicuously involved is Musa Dudin, from Yatir, released and deported in the 'Shalit deal'. He is an associate and right-hand man of Saleh Aruri, who is involved in bringing in terrorist money through Hamas emissaries in Judea and Samaria. This activity recently led to the thwarting of the terrorist infrastructure in the Hebron area.
    A senior ISA official said that, "This is an extensive and significant pre-emptive thwarting of a dangerous terrorist infrastructure, which had planned a series of attacks. The purpose of the intensified terrorist activity of Hamas operatives abroad and in Gaza, through operatives in the Judea and Samaria, is to undermine stability in the area, while exacting a heavy price from local residents."
    The ISA, together with the IDF and the Israel Police, will continue to take resolute action against Hamas recruitment and the organization's efforts to strengthen itself in Judea and Samaria, in order to reach all those involved in these efforts and thwart them in advance.​