arab tourism

Tourists from Emirates, Bahrain Begins

  •   Little by little, tourists from Emirates, Bahrain arrive to Israel
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                                   Copyright: RJStreets
    ​By Danny Zaken - Al Monitor

    ... Fatima al-Harabi entered the women’s section at the Western Wall and inserted a note in between the ancient stones ... Salman al-Aoudi, told Al-Monitor ... his visit to Israel proved what he knew — that the country and people are beautiful and there could be a good relationship with them... A year ago, the Haaretz newspaper published a sort of guide for the Islamic tourist in Israel. It recommended visiting Haram al-Sharif ... David Friedman, who served as the American ambassador to Israel in the Trump era (said)... "when the Palestinians see how the agreements help them live better, with greater security and advancement in all fields, I hope they will end their opposition and join the process”