Walking the Israel National Trail

Walking the Israel National Trail

    On March 25th 2016, backpackers from Israel and abroad are invited to embark on a modular 75 day adventure walking the Israel National Trail that takes the participant from Eilat through the Mitzpe Ramon Crater, the Arava Desert and Negev up to Jerusalem, Caesarea, the lush Galilee, the Kinneret Lake, and the Golan Heights ending at Mount Hermon.  
  • Photo: Israel Ministry of Tourism
    WalkAboutLove is a non-profit organization that offers anyone who is interested in Israeli culture and hiking in Israel an opportunity to discover Israel through of combination of nature,culture, history and unique traditions. Participants can choose between participating in the full 75 days or much smaller amounts of time (minimum 10 days) and no prior hiking experience is required.
    WalkAboutLove takes care of all your logistics, from transferring the participant’s personal pack from campsite to campsite, preparing food, providing water, mattresses for sleeping as well as bonfires in the evening and warm campfires throughout the night.  First aid including medics are also available if needed.  The WalkAboutLove participants must be over 18 years of age - or children fit for the hike accompanied by at least one parent.
    Established in 2008, WalkAboutLove offers organized journeys along the Israel National Trail.  The hike attracts both Israelis and tourists from around the world from diverse backgrounds and ages. During the weekend a large tent is set up and lectures and workshops are run together. Evenings are spent around the bonfire and participants are encouraged to bring musical instruments for evening entertainment and group singing. WalkAboutLove is available to participants who are 18 years of age and older or children fit for the hike accompanied by at least one parent.  On average, there are between 35 - 55 people in a group at any one time, but WalkAboutLove has 500 participants a year on this adventure.
    The day starts with a musical sunrise!
    06.00 – 07.30 – sleeping spot arrangement and preparation for daily journey (a satchel with water and sandwiches), tea and coffee
    07.30 – 08.00 – breakfast and last arrangements
    08.00 – 08.30 – daily journey guidance and track explanation (every daily track section is about 10-12 km)
    19.00 – supper on the sleeping site and group activity and bonfire
    For more information: http://www.masawalkaboutlove.com/