US israel zero emits

Going for Zero Emissions

  •   Israel joins the American initiative for a government with zero emissions by 2050
    ​Israel's Accountant General announced today (Thursday) at the UN Climate Conference, which is being held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, that Israel has joined the initiative led by the United States government to formulate a work plan to zero out the carbon activity in the government's activities by the year 2050

    As part of the climate activity of the Israeli government, the Accountant General joined the Green Governance Initiative (GGI), an entity established by the White House and the Government of Canada, with more than fifty governments from around the world as members and whose goal is to share knowledge and act jointly in order to promote environmental activity among the governments of the world. The American initiative for leading by example, works to zero out emissions which are stemming from government operations, in accordance with the unique needs and priorities of each country, until the year 2050 and to submit a work plan on the subject within about one year.

    Also in this framework, Israel is leading the working group for the transition to a green vehicle fleet. As part of a commitment to this matter, the Accountant General joined about a month ago the statement of the International Energy Agency (IEA), along with other countries, to make by 2035 the vehicle fleet  of the government emission-free.

    The joining of the initiative was signed on behalf of the Accountant General by CPA Mr. Dekel Cohen, senior deputy to the Accountant General and head of the Assets and Logistics Division responsible for the management of government assets as well as government construction.

    In addition, today, the Accountant General, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and other government ministries, published a working framework for the issuance of green bonds (Green Bond Framework), which reflects the measures and government resources invested in aspects of sustainability, environment and climate. The publication of the document will allow the issuance of green bonds as part of from the management of the government debt.

    The Accountant General, Mr. Yali Rothenberg: "The Division  of the Accountant General attaches great importance to the fight against the climate crisis and to reducing emissions created by the activities of the government, as part of meeting the climate goals and the commitment which was defined by the government. In addition, we are working to promote projects that will contribute to the achievement of the climate goals, solar energy power generation facilities, desalination facilities, composting facilities , building zero-energy buildings, installing solar panels on the rooftops of government buildings, as well as the disclosure of the ESG activity in the financial statements."

    Senior Deputy to the Accountant General and Head of the Assets and Logistics Division, Mr. Dekel Cohen: "Today in Sharm el-Sheikh, we are proud to join the leading governments in the world on the journey that will lead us to zero emissions. As part of the American initiative, we will work to formulate a work plan adapted to the uniqueness and the priorities of Israel, until the year 2050, with intermediate goals in the  coming years until then".​​