Israel New Zealand

Israel and New Guinea re-establish ties

  •   Papua New Guinea to establish embassy in Jerusalem
    ​Minister of Foreign Affairs Eli Cohen spoke last Wednesday (22 February 2023) with his counterpart, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Papua New Guinea, Justin Tkachenko. The two agreed to initiate a move to open an embassy in Jerusalem in 2023. Papua New Guinea has never opened an embassy in Israel, and this will be its first diplomatic mission in Israel.

    The two ministers also discussed deepening and expanding the economic relations between the two nations, especially in the fields of advanced agriculture. FM Tkachenko assured FM Cohen that his country will continue to support Israel in international arenas.

    FM Cohen: “I thank Papua New Guinea for the close relationship, the overwhelming support at international institutions and the decision to establish an embassy in Jerusalem. This is further evidence of the warm and important relationship between the countries. We at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to work to transfer more diplomatic missions to the city of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of the people of Israel."