International Charity Bazaar in Dublin

International Charity Bazaar in Dublin 18 November

  •   'Experience the world in a day'
    ​Sunday 18 November at Burlington Hotel, Upr. Leeson St. Dublin, 11:00 - 17:00
    Every year the Diplomatic Corps of Ireland invite the whole of Dublin to "Experience the world in a day". Ambassadors, embassy staff, their families and Irish friends join together in celebration of diversity and harmony. This year the International Charity Bazaar will be held on Sunday 18th November in the Burlington Hotel, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 2, from 11.00am to 5.00pm.
    Continuing last year's tradition, the diplomatic community, through the Bazaar will support Irish based charities listed below. The charities nominated to receive funds have been assessed on the merit of their proposed projects:
    • The Jack and Jill Foundation
    • Sonas Housing Association
    • Deaf Hear
    • Dun Laoghaire Refugee Project
    • Localise
    • Marie Keating Foundation
    • St. Francis Hospice
    • St. Patricks Hospital Foundation
    • The Mansion House Fuel Fund