
Geological Survey, Israel - a new history

  •   A new paper by Dr. Michael Beyth reviews the history of the Geological Survey of Israel
    ​The Geological Survey of Israel (GSI) was founded in 1948 with the establishment of the State of Israel, a small country of only 22,000 km2 with highly diverse geological features. Over the years, changes of the research directions were dictated by national needs, as the population grew from less than 1 million people to more than 9 million people in 2020. These shits, were associated with changes in the structure of the survey, establishing it as a key player in the sustainable development and effective utilization of natural resources. 

    The recognition of the survey as an independent research institute by the government enabled the upgrade of the staff levels and research facilities. The achievements of the GSI as an applied science organization which caters to the country’s ever-developing challenges are going hand in hand with becoming an international geo-scientific recognized organization.