22 vs hrc

International Outcry Against UNHRC

  •   22 countries against the Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry
    ​(MFA Media Announcement)

    22 countries published a strong statement today against the Commission of Inquiry established by the Human Rights Council following Operation Guardian of the Walls. The statement, initiated by the United States, strongly attacks the authority given to the Commission of Inquiry and defines the Commission’s establishment as an additional example of the Council’s disproportionate focus on Israel: a focus which must cease. 

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid: “Today is a day of change at the Human Rights Council. A day on which morality overcomes hypocrisy. Enough with the bias. Enough with the obsession with Israel. I want to thank the United States and my friend, Secretary of State Blinken for leading this important and necessary step, and every one of the countries signed on this statement. I hope the Human Rights Council will understand the clear message delivered by this statement and cancel the COI, which was born in sin, and will start dealing with human rights as it was supposed to from the day of its establishment.”

    List of signed countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Canada, Cameroon, Colombia, Croatia, Eswatini, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, Israel, Liberia, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, North Macedonia, Holland, Palau, Togo, the United Kingdom, and the United States.