
​Defying forecasts, Israel's economy grew at 6.8%

  •   Israeli economy grows on hospitality & transport Also, startups raise $0.7b in 48 hr marathon
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    Israel Trade Israel Trade copyright: Ted Eytan
    Calcalist, CTech - 11:09, 18.08.22

    "...Israeli companies raised over $700 million over a 48-hour period, with some $682 million being raised in just four mega-rounds.... This all comes on the back of Israeli tech companies raising a relatively impressive $9.8 billion in the first half of 2022..."

    16 Aug, 2022 13:32
    Guy Ben Simon - Globes

    After GDP contracted at 2.9% in the first quarter, the Israeli economy posted the strongest growth in the OECD.
    Israel's GDP grew 6.8% on an annualized basis in the second quarter of 2022, the Central Bureau of Statistics reports. The growth figures are in contradiction to expectations which was forecasting an economic slowdown, after the Israeli economy contracted 2.7% in the first quarter, according to the most recent assessment.

    The Central Bureau of Statistics explains the strong growth in the second quarter as a return to post-Covid routine with recoveries in the tourism, aviation, hospitality, restaurant and transport services sectors.