bds illegal

The Illegality of BDS - Webinar

  •   Institutional Investors, Israel Boycotts, and American Law - Watch the Webinar
    ​Activists hostile to Israel are increasingly pressing institutional investors to divest from Israeli companies or companies that maintain links with Israel. Whether styled as a perverse form of socially-responsible investment or even as a form of free speech, the purpose of this pressure is to economically isolate the Jewish State

    But is it legal for an institutional investor to boycott Israel? This webinar, by a leading expert on institutional investment law, examines the position under the laws governing the world’s largest investment market.​ 

  • Professor David H. Webber is a Professor of Law and the Paul M. Siskind Scholar at Boston University's School of Law. He also co-teaches the Pensions and Capital Stewardship course for the Harvard Trade Union program at Harvard Law School. He is the author of The Rise of the Work​ing-Class Shareholder: Labor’s Last Best Weapon, published by Harvard University Press, and co-edited the Research Handbook on Representative Shareholder Litigation. 

    Webber is the winner of Boston University School of Law’s 2017 Michael Melton Award for Teaching Excellence, and the Dean’s Award for Service to the Law School in 2020 and 2021. He graduated from Columbia and NYU Law School, where he was an editor of the Law Review.​

    Natasha Hausdorff is a barrister and a frequent speaker on International Law. She has a law degree from Oxford Universit​​y, qualified as a solicitor at Skadden, and subsequently gained an LLM from Tel Aviv University, focussing on public international law and the law of armed conflict. She clerked for Miriam Naor, President of Israel's Supreme Court, and was a Fellow at Columbia Law School's National Security Program. Natasha is the legal director of the UKLFI Charitable Trust.​​​