Israel-Morocco energy
  • Economics & Trade

Israel-Morocco Energy Cooperation

  •   Israel and Morocco sign bilateral agreement for energy cooperation
    ​A bilateral agreement for energy cooperation between Israel and Morocco was signed this Thursday at Bar-Ilan University. The agreement was signed in the presence of Israeli Minister of Education Dr. Yifat Shasha-Biton, Head of the Liaison Office of the Kingdom of Morocco to the State of Israel H.E. Abderrahim Beyyoudh, Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Arie Zaban, a Morrocan delegation of senior officials and scientists, leading Israeli scientists from several universities, Israel Aerospace Industries Chairman of the Board Amir Peretz, and senior Israeli energy company officials. 

    The Israel-Morocco agreement for energy cooperation was signed between Mohammad VI Polytechnic University in the name of the Moroccan National Energy Transition Consortium (MNETC), which includes 20 research groups from various Moroccan universities, and the Israel National Energy Research Consortium (INERC), which includes 33 research groups from seven leading Israeli academic institutions. 

    Under the agreement, bilateral joint research will be conducted in such areas as rechargeable batteries, recycling, solar energy, and the hydrogen economy, as well as solving Morocco's major challenge of storing and transporting its energy to neighboring countries such as Spain. Morocco has set a goal of producing 52% of its electricity through renewable energy by 2030.

    Scientists from Bar-Ilan, Tel Aviv, Ben Gurion and Ariel Universities, The Hebrew University, the Technion and the Weizmann Institute of Science participated in the signing ceremony. Prof. Doron Aurbach, Scientific Director of Bar-Ilan's Energy and Sustainability Center who heads INERC, is among the architects of the agreement, together with Prof. Yair Ein-Eli from the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering at the Technion, Prof. Emanuel Peled from Tel Aviv University and Prof. Jones Alami, a leading scientist from Mohammad VI Polytechnic University. Mr. Hichal El Habti, President of Mohammad VI Polytechnic University, led the Moroccan delegation to Israel. The agreement was signed by Prof. Aurbach on behalf of INERC and by Mr. El Habti on behalf of MNETC.

    Bar-Ilan University President Prof. Arie Zaban: "Today we know that we are on a journey to damaging the globe. The globe doesn't care about countries or governments. It cares only about us. Energy is by far the biggest challenge we are facing. Energy, which today in Europe is a cause for war, can be a tool for peace. This is why we're here today. We will do excellent science, we will develop excellent solutions, we will push this field forward, we will generate clean air for humanity, and we will generate peace. I would like to thank the research partners from Morocco and Israel who have joined forces and are beginning today to impact tomorrow's world, our tomorrow." 

    Shasha-Biton: Hope and the Future

    Minister of Education Dr. Yifat Shasha-Biton: "This is a gathering of hope and future – hope to make an impact on the world by taking collaborative responsibility for a better future. Under the agreement, a binational program will be established. As part of this collaboration, top-tier scientists and researchers will come together to provide solutions for issues of green energy for a better future for the fast-paced world we live in. This is a historical stepping stone for research programs, projects and constructive collaboration between the states."

    Head of the Liaison Office of the Kingdom of Morocco to the State of Israel H.E. Abderrahim Beyyoudh: "These kinds of collaboration are a way to strengthen relations between our countries. Your work as scientists will not be confined to the two countries. Research has no limits and it can spread to surrounding countries for the benefit of our populations and other populations. I know you will open doors for many projects that we will initiate between the two countries."  

    Mr. Hisham El-Habti, President, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University: "It is very exciting to see the Moroccan flag here at Bar-Ilan University. I speak on behalf of all the Moroccan research institutions working in this consortium to solve the renewable energy challenge. This is a wonderful way to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, with a benefit for everyone."​​