ziyang visit

Israeli CG visited Ziyang

    6th December, Amir Laty, Israeli Consul General led a delegation to Ziyang and met with Chen Jiming, deputy secretary and mayor of Ziyang.
    Chen Jiming warmly welcomed Amir Laty to pay a visit to Ziyang. Chen Jiming gave a brief introduction to the developing situation of Ziyang and looked forward to more cooperation between Ziyang and Israel in agriculture and health care industries. Ziyang would provide favorable policy and efficient service to Israel investors and entrepreneurs.
    Amir Laty highly appreciated the rapid development and great potential of Ziyang and SW China. Consulate general of Israel in Chengdu would make efforts to contribute to Ziyang-Israel cooperation, especially in medical, agriculture, education, etc.  
    On the same day, Amir Laty and his delegation visited Ziyang Biomedical Science and Technology Industrial Park, accompanied by Zhou Yan, Vice Mayor of Ziyang and Liu Wenxu, Chairman of Hebang Group.
    photo by Ziyang web