yibin secretary

Liu Zhongbo Met with CG Amir Lati


    ​Recently, Yibin Municipal Secretary Liu Zhongbo met with Consul General of Israel in Chengdu Amir Lati, both sides had an in-depth exchanges on cooperation.

    CG Amir Lati hoped that this visit would promote cooperation between Israel and Yibin in economic, trade, healthcare, agriculture, education and other fields. In September, Israel will be the Guest Country of Honor for 5th China (Mianyang) Science and Technology City International High-Tech Expo, he invited friends from Yibin City to come and have exchanges with Israeli enterprises. In the future, The Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu will maintain close relationship with Yibin, inviting more Israeli enterprises to visit Yibin, settle projects, and carry out cooperation here.

    Liu Zhongbo welcomed Amir Lati’s visit in Yibin. He introduced the current development information of Yibin and hoped Yibin and Israel would carry out all-round cooperation in medicine and equipment, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, agriculture, education and other fields.