
International Photo Challenge – Jerusalem

    KKL-JNF Israel along with JNF USA, Ammunition Hill National Heritage and Memorial site in Jerusalem, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, GPO and with the support of HP (Scitex and Indigo) and PICO Venture Partners, calling all photographers of Jerusalem to join to an historic photo challenge in the spirit of worldwide cooperation
    International Photo Challenge – Jerusalem
     Hosted by: GuruShots , Feb-March 19, 2017
    Any photo, any time, from any angle - show “you're Jerusalem” to the world: Maybe a photo of a Jerusalem's symbolic, human, formative or rare moment is with you?!
    Share it on #JERUSALENS (subject to regulations)
    We are making history by collecting and ranking the largest pool of Jerusalem Photos ever.
    A total of $10,000 in cash prizes for the first four winners!
    Tell a Friend, tag #Jerusalens
    In the first phase of the Challenge (until Feb 28th, 2017) everyone is welcome to upload their photos of the city, from any period, in any subject to show the many faces of Jerusalem (subject to the terms of GuruShots(.
    In the second phase (from Feb 29th until March 19, 2017) everyone is invited to rate the most beautiful and exciting photos.
    A total of $10,000 prize will be split between the 4 top ranked photos.
    100 from the top 400 ranked photos will be chosen by curators' team to be shown in an exciting and unique exhibition to be open in spring 2017 at Ammunition Hill in Jerusalem, and later on in other places around the globe.
    Mentor: David Rubinger Curators: Rina Castelnuovo, Ziv Koren, Gally Tibon, head of the team of curators: Avi Ohayon.
    Entrepreneur and Manager: Alon Wald, Head of Operations, Ammunition Hill, Jeursalem
    We call on you to spread the information in all and any channels at your disposal: a newsletter, website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, groups and WhatsApp or any other means you may have. The more people that will participate - the richer and better mosaic of Jerusalem we will get.
    Recommended - Upload a photo of the head of your organization or the organization leaders, friends or opinion makers (the best with a story narrating the image), and incentivize all your mailing list to upload pictures to the challenge.
    You may also issue a press release - just please check it with us in advance.
    Attached you will find: a general outline of the PR announcement for your use, a variety of banners, prepared text and graphics that are at your disposal as a means of promotion and advertising to be integrated into your various information channels. If you feel you may need any other methods of PR and/or marketing we are here to for you and will try our very best to provide them for you, please feel free to contact us at any point for assistance.
    Inquiries regarding promotions and PR: Gura, Deborah, Leibowitz-Berger PR JERUSALENS, Tel. 0544-676679, 0525-833565 JERUSALENS2017@GMAIL.COM