listen to Israel

Consul General Leads You to Listen to Israel

    When it comes to Israel, most people will first associate it with the following facts: a small and dense populated area, Palestine and Israel, the three major religions of the world.
    Actually, a real Israel is a country of innovation as universally acknowledged. There are 10 Nobel winners who come from Israel, and the number of NASDAQ listed companies from Israel ranks second, only lower than America. Exchanges and cooperation in commercial trade and culture as well as tourism between China and Israel are rising gradually. What is a real Israel like, especially in the eyes of Chinese?
    In order to help Chinese audience learn more about Israel's actualities, from 12:00 to 13:30 on April 18th, Amir Lati, the Consul General of Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu and Chi Ajuan, the Vice president of the Sichuan Women Photographers Association were invited to the broadcast Happiness in Noontide, host Shi Xin and Xiao Hang made an exclusive interview to the two guests.
    Mr. Lati introduced Israeli history, religions and customs to audience, when he talked about local cuisine, he laughed, “You can always find all kinds of cuisines from the whole world in Israel but Hotpot, and that is what we lack of!”
    Ms. Chi, representative of photographers of Chinese Young Leaders Delegations to Israel, recommended the deepest impressions Israel gave her. The first thing is that people in Israel is particularly friendly to Chinese. A lady from Kibbutz, an Israeli city, held a picture of Mr. He Fengshan, appreciating the chivalrous deeds   from Mr. He and Chinese people during the Second World War. There also stand signboards in hotels to express gratitude and amity to Chinese visitors. Besides, Israel is a very safe country and there is no need for visitors to worry about security matters. Travelers can take photos with handsome soldiers on the street. In Israel, no matter men and women, every citizen is regarded as a soldier. A sense of security appeared when guns were in the hands of good folks.
    If a place has ever combined religions with mundanity, war with peace, tradition with modernity so perfectly, then it must be Israel. Go planning a trip to Israel, floating on the blue waves of Dead Sea and to understand the song singing for that land.