liangshan visit

Consul General visited Liangshan


    On January 22nd -23, Amir Lati visited Liangshan and visited the Deputy Secretary of State Council and governor Suergabu.

    At the meeting, the consul general said that Israel has made great achievements in biological engineering, high-tech and modern agriculture, especially the modern agricultural facilities, such as greenhouse, water saving irrigation and so on, and has developed the world's leading efficient and precision agriculture.

    Governor Sugaerbu said that Liangshan is an area full of unique and abundant agricultural resources as well as potential and advantages located at the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River. It is an ideal area for the development of high quality, characteristic and efficient ecological agriculture.

    Both sides have expressed their expectation to further strengthen cooperation in the development of special industries, such as olive oil, pomegranate, vegetable and other special industries, as well as the training of agricultural technicians, medical technology exchanges and demonstration park construction to achieve better results.

    Then, Consulate General was accompanied by Zhuo Xuemei, the director of Foreign Affairs of Liangshan Prefecture, Zhao Ming, the vice director of Foreign Affairs and Yang Limin, deputy director of the State Forestry Bureau of Liangshan and other officials, inspected the olive seed of national base and other high-efficiency agricultural demonstration companies and projects.