
Israeli Futurist Took You to Future of AI

    Israeli futurist Roey Tzezana came to China and held several wonderful lectures on the future of artificial intelligence and application of block chain at universities in Chengdu and Chongqing.
    Dr. Roey Tzezana is a famous futurist who has taught at many universities and colleges around the world, and now he is hired as researcher of Interdisciplinary Network Research Center of Blavatnik and Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative of Brown University.
    On the afternoon of May 27, in the lecture held by Fangsuo Bookstore located in Taikoo Li, more than a hundred of audiences experienced a journey to the future of artificial intelligence under the guidance of Dr. Roey.
    Subsequently, Dr. Roey brought the most advanced insight to University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and interacted with students in these two universities. UESTC hired Dr. Roey as visiting research fellow and invited him to open lectures regularly on latest results of AI and block chain.
    On morning of May 29, Dr. Roey came to the Chuangxiang Incubator of Chengdu with knowledge of AI and block chain, and he also communicated with attendants with infinite possibilities of future’s innovation.
    On the morning of the previous day, Dr. Roey interacted with reporters and editors at the speech scene of National Business Daily, he also answered questions from reporters who were watching it remotely in cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou.
    As a futurist, Dr. Roey advised audiences, as what was stated in the book The Little Prince, “Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it.”