china israel olive cooperation

China-Israel Cooperation Center for Oil Olive


    On 27th June, China-Israel International Cooperation Center for Oil Olive Unveiling Ceremony was held in Huili County, Liangshan Prefecture.
    Deputy Secretary of Liangshan Prefecture Chen Zhongyi addressed that the establishment of China-Israel international cooperation center would be a new phase of china- Israel cooperation in oil olive industry, Liangshan would provide solid investment environment and cooperation platform for the further development of China- Israel cooperation in oil olive industry.
    International Cooperation and Science & Agriculture Counsellor of Israel Embassy in Beijing Eitan Neubauer said he looked forward to the fruits brought by the establishment of China Israel international cooperation center, and hoped oil olive industry can become a new source of income for Liangshan people.
    During the ceremony, China Israel International Cooperation Center MOU was signed.
    On 28th June, Secretary of Liangshan Prefecture Lin Shucheng met with Eitan Neubauer and Uri Yermiyahu. Lin Shucheng welcomed Eitan Neubauer and Uri Yermiyahu’s visit in Liangshan. He introduced the basic information of Liangshan and the current oil olive industry development, and offered suggestions on Israel Liangshan cooperation in agricultural field.
    Neubauer said Israel and Liangshan have great potentials for further cooperation. Both sides will promote exchanges and cooperation on processing technology, cultivation, and talent exchanges in oil olive industry as well as in agricultural field.