agro chengdu

The 4th Chengdu Agricultural Expo Opened


    On 1st Dec, the 4th Chengdu International Urban Modern Agriculture Expo opened in Chengdu New International Convention and Exhibition Center. More than 1000 companies from 14 countries and 23 China’s provinces participated in. Agricultural products presented in the fair were from Israel, Thailand, Span, Canada, Korea, etc. Also, Israel brought its irrigation and greenhouse technologies. 

    The First Urban Modern Agriculture Development (Chengdu) Summit was held during the expo. Amir Laty, Consul General of Israeli consulate general in Chengdu was invited to the summit as a keynote speaker.

    With only 1% population engaging in agriculture producing but offering 95% food for the whole nation, Israel creates the miracle of agriculture. Currently, Israel and SW China is actively cooperating in agriculture, for example, the China-Israel Olive International Cooperation center will be established in Xichang. “In the future, Israel will have more agricultural cooperation with Sichuan. “Amir Laty said.