New Destination

Israel, New Destination for Chinese Students

    Israeli is well-known worldwide for its highly-developed innovative system. However, it is ignored by many that Israel is also a good destination for international students mainly because of the misunderstanding of its security and its higher education level. Actually, Israel is the safest country in Middle East, it is even securer than majority of big cities in America and Europe. Also, the higher education level of Israel ranks on the top when compared with other developed countries.  advantages
    As universally acknowledged, the overall level of education for Israeli nationals is very high, the proportion of the population with a bachelor degree or above ranks second in all developed countries, behind only Canada. The proportion of professors and PhDs in Israel is much higher than other countries. Israel spending 12% of its total fiscal expenditure on education, surpassing defense expenditure and heading the list. Israel has more than 60 institutions of higher education, including 7 research universities and 15 private colleges, 9 of which are accredited by the Ministry of Education of China. The advantages of studying in Israel mainly include:
    1. Low barriers to entry. Israel does not pay special attention to test results, and does not require students to have SAT, GRE, GMAT and other entrance examination results which are essential for U.S. undergraduates and postgraduates. Although the English ability is certainly required, requirement of TOEFL performance are not as high as the U.S. universities. Israel is also typical of standards of elastic admission and stringent graduation. This is undoubtedly good news for high school graduates who have failed to apply for American elite schools.
    2. High cost performance. The academic status of major Israeli universities and their professors are recognized internationally, as many professors are at the same lecturing at Ivy League in America. In fact, the overall teaching level of Israeli universities is comparable to American universities, but the tuition fee is only 1/5 to 1/3 of American universities.
    3. Easy access to world-class universities. It will be much easier for students to apply a first-class university in Europe and America for further study when they’ve finished undergraduate or postgraduate programs in Israel with good grades. Compared to Chinese universities, Israeli institutions accepted greater recognition from universities in U.S. and Euro. In a sense, universities in Israel are good springboards.
    In addition, Israeli people attach great value to practice, so there are going to be a lot of practical chances during your studying in Israel.
    Surely, Chinese students will meet some challenges such as not accustomed to local dishes, a bit of monotonous after-school life as well as language and cultural barriers. For example, although most of Israelis can speak English, they communicate with each other in Hebrew in daily life. But do not worry, all these problems can be overcome.