
The Consul General Visited Liupanshui City

    ​       On November 14, Amir Lati, the consul general of Israel in Chengdu, together with his delegation went to visit Liupanshui city, Guizhou Province, and discussed cooperation projects with the local officials.

    Israel's agricultural technology is leading in the world while the Liupanshui city is a typical karst landform of which the production rate is much lower than that of Israel. As a result, the experience of Israeli agricultural development is of great significance to the modern agricultural development of Liupanshui.

    Amir and the local officials visited the Kiwi Base in Modern Agriculture Industrial Park of Shuicheng County, Liupanshui Liangdu Kiwi Industry Co., Ltd. and inspected the implementation of the Israeli loan project of the municipal agricultural investment corporation.

    According to reports, Liupanshui City has used the Israeli government loans for kiwifruit planting previously and more cooperation will be conducted in 2018.

    Amir Lati said that Guizhou Province was a major agricultural province where agriculture could make an important contribution to the economy. The economic contribution of agriculture to Liupanshui is very important. He hoped both sides will step up cooperation in agriculture, medical care and education so as to jointly improve their livelihood through cooperation.

    The deputy mayor of Liupanshui He Shu, on behalf of the Municipal Government, welcomed the visit of Amir Lati and expressed his good vision of strengthening cooperation in social management system, health system and application of big data.