Kunming visit

Consul General Visited Kunming


    On the afternoon of March 27th, Amir Lati, Consul General of Israel in Chengdu, went to Kunming for an official visit.

    Amir made a meeting with Li Jiming, director of Yunnan Office of foreign affairs overseas Chinese Affair, they carried out in-depth exchanges and discussions in various fields that may be cooperated in 2018, for instance, organizing outstanding youth groups in Yunnan to participate in "China Youth leaders in Israel" and promoting the Mashav project of Israeli Ministry to achieve and agricultural, educational and other exchanges with Yunnan, and establishing a way to communicate and cooperate for further promoting characteristic agriculture, precision agriculture and agricultural poverty alleviation.

    At the meeting, the director Li Jiming mentioned that the Yunnan provincial Party committee and the provincial government put forward the latest Three Green Cards. Israel and Yunnan have a broad space for cooperation in the areas of "green food", "green energy" and "healthy living destination". Both sides should promote the development and landing of some projects and carry out in-depth cooperation.

    Subsequently, the Amir Lati visited Li Songlin, the Party Secretary of the Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department. At the meeting, the consul general said that Israel is famous for its "start-up country". It has made many advanced scientific and technological achievements in many fields, such as modern agriculture, environmental protection technology and big health industry, and is looking forward to the cooperation and exchange of science and technology in multiple fields in Yunnan. Secretary Li Songlin also said that according to the instructions of the Yunnan provincial Party committee and the provincial government, Yunnan is fully developing new kinetic energy, trying to play three "green cards".

    In the early period, Yunnan has achieved preliminary cooperation results in the introduction and breeding of high value-added economic crops, such as the planting of oil and fruit, flower planting and so on. We hope to further expand cooperation in characteristic agricultural technology and new energy especially for high altitude.