Israeli top chef

Israeli Top Chef Came to China with Exotic Cuisine

    Kobi Mizrahi
    The head of Israeli state banquet, he had graduated from Tadmor. He has travelled to European countries to exchange cuisine culture and worked as president's chief executive of Israel Practical Cooking and Cooking Consulting Institute, member of Children’s Chef Association, head chef of Ein Gedi VIP Restaurant, catering director of Tame Ve Tsevah and Braf, and he also runs a restaurant known as Chef 4 U.
    Day 1:  He was invited to Chonqing to open Delicacy Class.
    On 3rd, May, Kobi opened a Delicacy Class at InterContinental Hotel in Chongqing, teaching participants Israeli household dishes.
    Participants seriously cooked under the patient and direct instruct of chef Kobi, and every got ‘graduation certificate’ at the end of the lesson.
    Day 2: Kobi’s Delicacy Class: Exotic Cuisine in Kuan & Zhai Alley
    On May 5th, a Borderless Food Sharing Class was co-hosted by Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, Hao Hao Chi Fan and Meten at Sanchuan Jiuwei Experimental Kitchen located in Kuan & Zhai Alley.  Deputy Consul General, Mr. Uri Zirinski came to the class to show support for Chef Kobi and Israeli cuisine. Ms. Mai Jianling, the president of Sichuan gourmets Association also came to the scene.
    Chef Kobi shared two Israeli dishes this time, and all the participants who tasted the dishes gave thumbs up, admiring that Kobi deserves to be a top chef who has run a 30,000-attendants-scale for Israeli state banquet.
    Chef Kobi brought two national food of Israel for Chinese audience, Sabich and Shakshuka.
    The ingredients are very simple, most of which are commonly used in Sichuan's kitchens - cilantro, garlic, red peppers, green peppers, onions and so on. The rare one is a type of sesame sauce produced in the Middle East. Although these ingredients seem to be very simple, evolved through the magic hand of chef, and ultimately burst out a completely different but delicious taste.
    During intervals of cooking, chef Kobi explained to participants that Israeli people tend to be slow in cooking. In the eyes of the Israelites, cooking food is more like completing a philosophical article. Do not only touch them by hand or taste them by mouth, but also to feel the meaning of each step with heart.
    The whole process was broadcast live, and more than 1,120,000 netizens were watching it online to learn how to cook Israeli dishes.
    Day 3: Lunch in Shangri-La
    On May 4th and 9th, chef Kobi was invited to Café Z of Shangri-La Hotel in Chengdu to conduct Israeli VIP Dinner co-hosted by Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, Shangri-La Hotel and Food is unstoppable Column of Chengdu Television Station.
    In addition to Mr. Amir Lati, Consul General, and Mrs. Lati, this event also invited Mi Ruirong, the President of the Chengdu Women Entrepreneurs Association, Chi Ajuan, the Vice president of the Sichuan Women Photographers Association, Brother Fei and Tang Min, famous local gourmets, and Bing Bing, the representative of Hao Hao Chi Fan, to degust the culinary skill of chef Kobi.
    The finished dishes are as great as they are expected, and the color and aroma of the whole Israeli cuisine make it almost impossible for people to keep away.