Israeli Children's Culture Week

Israeli Children's Culture Week Opened


    On April 4th, Israeli children’s culture week co-hosted by Consulate General of Israel and Free Theatre was opened at the mini theater for parents and children in Free Theatre. This event included children’s shows, artistic workshops, photograph exhibitions, and reading clubs and so on, which offers a chance for families in Chengdu to experience unique Israeli culture.

    The Israeli puppet show When Everything Is Green was adapted from the famous picture book Love Tree. It tells a story about what happened between a little boy and a big tree and discussed topics on the relationship between nature and human. What should be noticed is that all of the ingredients which the scenery and stage properties were made of were really from “trees”. Director collected more than 100 old books and used them to build the stage, properties and puppets. The whole play was a world built on books as printed words on leaves of the tree could be seen easily. Except for the play, Israeli artists also brought a workshop for puppet show, and children made different puppets with one piece of paper under their leading, and give puppets lives and emotions through particular ways.

    Cai Jie, founder of Free Theatre, introduced that the Free Theatre wanted to connect more families through drama and children can own a very unique experience in theatre. It was their honor to cooperate with Israeli Consulate, bringing Israeli theatre culture for citizen in Chengdu. She wished more families could fall in love with reading and dramas during Israeli Children's Culture Week.

    Uri Zirinski, the Deputy Consul General of Consulate General in Chengdu, said education in China and Chengdu impressed him although he had lived in Chengdu for only 8 months. For Israel and China, both countries attach great importance on education, so he wanted to bring more innovative concepts and education systems to Chengdu from Israel and promote the exchanges and cooperation in educational field.

    It is learned that Free Theatre will hold an Israel's Thematic Picture Book Reading Club on 6th and four senior story lovers will tell about picture books and children's books from Israel. Besides, participants can also appreciate a photograph exhibition called Israel in The Eyes of Chinese.