Cultural Week

The Israeli Cultural Week was Held in Chengdu.

    From October 31st to November 8th, the Israeli Cultural Week was held in Chengdu.
    From October 30th to November 2nd, a famous historian and the spokesman of three Israeli Prime Minister, Meron Medzini, held a series of lectures in Chengdu. He showed people the new development of the relationship between China and Israel under the background of “Belt and Road Initiative ".

    From November 1st to 8, a photography exhibition called“Old Time of China” was on in Wenxuan Books. All the pictures that had been shown were taken by a Jewish photographer SiomaLifshitz.

    From November 2nd to 5, three wonderful Israeli documentaries were shown one after another in Wenxuan Books., which attracted many citizens to come to watch. These three films were also shown in the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, producing a wonderful variety of responses.

    At 14:00 p.m. on November 3rd, these three documentaries were shown at the Sichuan TV festival, and the directors of these films were also invited to Chengdu to communicate with audience face to face. Amir Lati, the Consul General of Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu, addressed a short speech at the scene. He said that this year was the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relation between China and Israel, and it also had been announced to establish a comprehensive partnership for innovation. On this basis, the Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu would make greater efforts to introduce more cultural activities into the southwest of China, deliver Israeli culture, promote communication and understanding between Israeli and Chinese, and enhance their friendship.

    During the culture week, the Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu cooperated with Wenxuan Books, Sichuan TV festival, introduced three excellent Israeli documentaries, and also invited the directors to Chengdu to communicate with audience face to face.