Clalit Medical Group in Sichuan

Clalit Medical Group in Sichuan

    From 10th May to 12th, Clalit Medical Group visited Sichuan. During the visit, Clalit Medical Group delegation held in-depth dialogues with Sichuan Provincial Health and Health Committee, Chengdu Health and Family Planning Commission, and exchanged views on medical technology in various fields.
    Clalit Medical Group representatives also went to Chenghua District and had talks with District Secretary Zhao Gang, to strengthen cooperation in fields of health care and personnel training.
    Clalit Medical Group delegation also had in-depth exchanges with representatives from Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital, Chengdu seventh People's Hospital, Chengdu Sixth People's Hospital, Liangshan Prefecture First People's Hospital, Zigong City Women and Children Hospital.