CG in local restaurants

CG Experienced Traditional Sichuan Cuisine Culture

    To experience authentic food culture of Sichuan, on the evening of June 13, CG Amir Lati went to a famous ‘fly restaurant’ with Bing Bing who is a well-known gourmet blogger in Chengdu.
    Chicken slices with chili sauce, chicken nuggets with green peppers and red peppers, roasted eggplants with chili peppers and etc., a table full of authentic Sichuan dishes looked so appetizing, which also made Mr. Amir can't help admiring the great variety of Sichuan cuisine, “I used to think that this kind of restaurants are places where sanitation is poor and just a few types of eatables are served.” To dispel CG’s doubt, Bing Bing answered that “actually, Fly Restaurants have abundant meanings in Chengdu. Comparing to formal business banquets, this kind is preferred by families and close friends because of relaxing environment as well as good taste. Every native has his or her private collection of these restaurants, to them, this is not only a dining tradition but also a deep feeling.”
    When asked if Israel also has a similar kind of restaurants, CG introduced an Israeli restaurant called "the place where workers eat", food there was cheap and tasted.
    When finished dinner, CG has not forgotten to wander in the dining room to take some pictures, saying that he wanted to try roadside stalls, and he would also devote himself to promoting Sichuan's food culture after he returns to Israel this summer.