
C21 Forum Held in Chengdu

  •   C21 Forum Held in Chengdu
     The 6th C21 Forum was held in Chengdu on Wednesday. More than 200 people were present including leading members of various consulate generals in Chengdu, leading officials from all levels in Sichuan, senior executives from top 500 enterprises and famous entrepreneurs.
    The 6th C21 Forum was held in Chengdu on Wednesday. More than 200 people were present including leading members of various consulate generals in Chengdu, leading officials from all levels in Sichuan, senior executives from top 500 enterprises and famous entrepreneurs.

    Consul General of Israel in Chengdu also made a speech at the event. He said C21 is a brand new start and announced his tour of inspection to Zigong in August.
    Deputy Counsul General of Israel in Chengdu expressed his wish to further strengthen cooperation in fields of energy, agriculture, technology and medical treatments between Sichuan and Israel.

    Sichuan is now a significant part of the One Road One Belt Road map and is facilitating the implementation of a three-year plan of opening up the market of the 20 most important countries and increasing two-way investment. Director of Sichuan’s commerce department Xie Kaihua said at the event that Sichuan is determined to achieve a trade volume of $30 billion with countries within the scope of One Belt One Road. He also announced the 2015 Sichuan Investment Guidebook of better exploiting emerging markets and strengthening cooperation of high-end industries.