2 sessions

The 2 Meetings from the Eyes of Diplomats

    January 14-15, Amir Laty, Israeli Consul General in Chengdu, was invited to attend the 2017 Chongqing Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference and 2017 Chongqing Municipal People's Congress.
    On the morning of January 15, Zhang Lianghao, deputy secretary general of the Chongqing Municipal People's Congress, met with the Amir Laty and other consuls to welcome them and briefed them on the achievements of Chongqing's social and economic development in 2016. .
    Amir Laty appreciated Chongqing for arranging the attendance, saying that this was a great opportunity to learn about the latest development of Chongqing. The Consulate General of Israel in Chengdu will continue to promote more exchanges and cooperation between Israel and Chongqing, wishing Chongqing a greater achievement in the new year.
    January 14, Cobi Yanovsky, Deputy Consul General of Israel in Chengdu, was also invited to attend the 2017 Chongqing Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference. "I want to know more about the openness strategy of Southwest China. Sichuan will have more opportunities under Belt and Road Initiative, especially with Israel, which I would like to see," he said.