

    Instructions of completing the visa application form of Israel
    Attention: please follow these instructions to complete the visa application form of Israel, any unqualified form will be returned.
    1. 申请人必须真实、完整及清晰地填写此表格。
    Applicant should fill in this form correctly, completely and clearly.
    2. 请粘贴申请人近期白底5*5cm彩照于表格右上方。
    Please glue an applicant‘s 5*5cm photo with white background on the form.
    3. 除表格第一页下方“回邮地址”以及最后的“申请人签名”可用中文之外,一律用希伯来文或英文填写本表格。
    This form must be completed in English or Hebrew, only “Address in Chinese” on the first page and “Applicant signature” on the second page can be in Chinese.
    4. 表格中如有对申请人不适用之项目,请以斜杠填充或填写“N/A”,不能留空。
    If there’s any field not applicable to the applicant on the form, please fill with slash or “N/A” instead of leaving it blank.
    5. 本表格第一页除了“曾用名”、“曾有国籍”、“中转国”、“曾在以色列居留许可类型”及“曾在以色列停留日期”以外,其余为必填项目,请勿以斜杠填充或填写“N/A”。
    On the first page of this form, only “Previous full name”, “Previous nationality”, “Countries of transit”, “Category of previous residence permit in Israel” and “Dates of previous stays in Israel” are optional, the other fields are compulsory and can’t be filled with slash or “N/A”
    6. 本表格第二页最后“申请人签名”、“日期”及“地点”为必填项目,其余项目申请人需要根据实际情况填写。
    On the second page of this form, “Applicant’s signature”, “Date” and “Place” are compulsory, and the other fields should be completed according to the fact.