PM Netanyahu's greetings on Israel's 68th Independence Day

PM Netanyahu's greetings on 68th Independence Day

  •   World leaders come to Jerusalem every day. They say to me in wonder: 'You have such a great country. It is a vibrant, entrepreneurial country, creative spiritually and materially.'
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: PMO webcast
    PM Netanyahu, this evening (Weds, 11 May), at the Independence Day Torch Lighting Ceremony on Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem, also issued the following greeting:
    "Happy Independence Day, citizens of Israel.
    This is an exalting moment, and I am very excited to be here with you all and especially with the torch lighters. The Israeli flag flies gloriously and a great light shines from Jerusalem. We are celebrating 68 years of Israeli independence.
    One of the fundamentals requisites for independence is the willingness to fight for it, but that exacts a painful price – our fallen sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. We owe them everything. We know that we cannot exist without a defense force, we cannot maintain our independence if we do not build up our strength. Therefore, we all salute you, our dear soldiers, police officers, all members of the armed forces – you guard the country, and I ask you to please guard your lives too. On behalf of the entire nation, thank you.
    World leaders come to Jerusalem every day. They say to me in wonder: 'You have such a great country. It is a vibrant, entrepreneurial country, creative spiritually and materially.' They see the roads, the construction, our technology, economy, society, art. Above all, they see you, the citizens of Israel, and your great skills and entrepreneurship, your sense of mutual accountability, the way you unify in times of trouble.
    I am proud to be your prime minister; I am proud of you; and we are all proud of our country. Together, we will continue to advance our country in leaps and bounds, from Dan to Eilat, from the Negev to the sea. We have many challenges before us, but I am certain that we can overcome them, thanks to our unity, our faith, our hope.
    Happy Independence Day."


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