Israeli mobile water purification and desalination unit arrives in Papua New Guinea

Israeli water purification unit arrives in PNG

  •   A Galmobile mobile water purification unit has been sent to Papua New Guinea to help the country fight the severe drought it is facing.​​
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    The Galmobile at the official presentation ceremony The Galmobile at the official presentation ceremony Copyright: Daniel Ben Chaim
    The official presentation ceremony of the Israeli-designed mobile unit to the government of Papua New Guinea took place on Sunday, 29 May 2016 in Pangia, the birthplace of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.
    Present at the ceremony were the Ministry of Foreign Affairs representative, Ambassador Michael Ronen, Papua New Guinea government ministers, the chief secretary of the government, the district governor, members of parliament and other senior officials.
    The Galmobile water purification unit, which was developed by  G.A.L. Water Technologies Ltd. , was sent to Papua New Guinea to help the country fight the severe drought it is facing.  Ambassador Ronen, who came from Jerusalem especially for the occasion, addressed the event, and spoke of the MFA's humanitarian work, emphasizing Israel's commitment to assist its friends around the world, such as Papua New Guinea. 
    Chief Secretary to Government Isaac Lupari praised the friendship between the peoples of Papua New Guinea and Israel, and his government's support of Israel. The Chief Secretary thanked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for what he defined as "the special gift," that will supply water to thousands of people. Later, in a meeting with Ambassador Ronen, PM O'Neil expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Israel for the humanitarian aid to his people.  

                    Ambassador Ronen (third from left) at the ceremony.
                                               Photo: Daniel Ben Chaim​

    Israel and Papua New Guinea established diplomatic relations in 1978, about 3 years after Papua New Guinea was granted independence. An agreement of technical cooperation between the two countries was signed in 1989.
    The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Peter O'Neill led a delegation of senior officials to Israel in October 2013, as the guest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The people of Papua New Guinea are widely supportive towards Israel and the Jewish people on the background of their Christian faith. This is also reflected also in the attitude of the country's leaders and their courageous support of in Israel in the international arena in general and at the United Nations in Particular.
    As a result of El Niño, a tropical phenomenon that disrupts rainfall in tropical countries, the island's two million residents are suffering from a shortage of water as well as the destruction of crops. Because of the country's difficult humanitarian circumstances and in light of Israel's political commitment to humanitarian aid and cooperation with Papua New Guinea, resulting from the latter's favorable attitude towards Israel in the international arena and in consideration of the good personal relationship between the two prime ministers, it was decided to accede to PM O’Neill’s personal request to receive the mobile desalination system from Israel.
    The Galmobile mobile desalination system, which Israel donated to Papua New Guinea, is able to supply drinking water to populations in rural areas with access difficulties, thus easing the consequences of the drought. Beyond humanitarian aid, MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation provides various services in agriculture and education, such as agricultural consultation and instruction and guidance in establishing professional training for youth and young people.
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