Islamic Conquest

Islamic Conquest

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    Ben Ezra Synagogue in Old Cairo, founded in 882 CE and site of the Cairo Genizah Ben Ezra Synagogue in Old Cairo, founded in 882 CE and site of the Cairo Genizah : International Association of Jews from Egypt, Tel Aviv, Israel
    ​Under Islamic rule, Jews were considered dhimmi, second-class citizens, forced to pay special taxes, wear distinctive signs and articles of clothing and suffered other discriminatory decrees and legislation. Where Sharia law was strictly implemented, Jewish orphans were at times forcibly taken from the community and converted under coercion.
    Extent of the Islamic conquest by 750 CE. Large Jewish communities existed in each of the designated cities 

    Courtesy of Sir Martin Gilbert
    Tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel, Kifil, Iraq 
    Tomb of the Prophet Ezekiel, Kifil, Iraq
    From the collection of Beit Hatfutsot