Economic life

Economic Life

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    Sir Heskel Sasson, Minister of Finance of the Government of Iraq, 1920-1925 Sir Heskel Sasson, Minister of Finance of the Government of Iraq, 1920-1925 : Beit Hatfutsot
    Many Jews in Egypt, Iraq and Aden achieved success in business and commerce, and their contributions to the Arab economies were highly disproportionate to their numbers.​
    When the Jews were granted freedoms they prospered, but suffered crushing poverty when these were curtailed. Many Jews in Egypt, Iraq and Aden achieved success in business and commerce, and their contributions to the Arab economies were highly disproportionate to their numbers. When they departed, Jewish families communities were forced to leave behind, or were expropriated of, assets worth many billions of dollars.

    Jewish sweets vendor in Syria during World War I
    Jewish sweets vendor in Syria during First orld War
    From the collection of Beit Hatfutsot

    Shop of Isaac Gabbai in Egypt, 1930
    Shop of Isaac Gabbai in Egypt, 1930
    From the collection of Beit Hatfutsot