The 2nd International Conference on Homeland Security

Israel HLS 2012

  •   The 2nd International Conference on Homeland Security
    ​Israel HLS 2012

    Israel HLS 2012
    Today’s society is more complicated than ever before, with people dependent on complex infrastructures, traveling widely, and gathering in crowded places. Recent history teaches us that terror can suddenly disrupt our lives, striking anywhere and anytime. This is the challenge to homeland security and it has never been greater: We need better means to prevent and respond to physical and cyber terror – and crime and natural disaster too – and better ways to maintain public order in time of emergency.
    The 2nd International Conference on Homeland Security was created to address these challenges. It will bring together government officials, public authorities and HLS industry leaders from around the world to share their knowledge and experience.
    Israel HLS 2012 will focus on today’s key homeland security issues: Cyber security, securing smart cities, critical infrastructure protection and emergency preparedness. Attendees will learn how to enhance security by integrating operational know-how with the advanced tools necessary to deal with emerging threats.
    Conference at a Glance
    Panels and sessions with key decision makers from
    Israel and abroad
    Discussions on the latest HLS trends and practices
    Major networking opportunities with Israeli HLS industry
    leaders and delegations from over 50 countries
    Exhibition showcasing some of the finest field-proven and
    next-generation technologies and systems in the industry
    Tours and on-site demonstrations of critical infrastructure protection and securing smart cities at Israel’s busiest seaport, the Port of Ashdod, located on the Mediterranean Sea a half-hour south of Tel Aviv, and Ashdod Municipality
    Tour of Jerusalem’s Old City
    Who Should Attend
    Ministers of public security
    Mayors and municipal security chiefs
    Police commanders
    First responders and emergency authorities
    Security chiefs of critical infrastructure, such as air and sea ports, power plants, distribution grids, and IT and cyber centers
    HLS industry manufacturers, integrators and suppliers
    Investors, venture capital funds
    Focal Areas
    Cyber Security
    Attacks on cyber networks, rapidly growing in number and sophistication, have become one of the most serious economic and national security threats.
    Securing the Smart City
    Urban residents, now more than 50 percent of the world’s population and far more in the western economies, must be protected from home-grown and imported terror.
    Critical Infrastructure Protection
    Air and sea ports, power plants, electricity grids and gas pipelines need the enhanced protection that can be provided by public and private sector collaboration.
    Emergency Management
    Effective preparation, response, and recovery are the key aspects of emergency management that will save lives and minimize property damage.