Modern Israeli-inspired Cuisine by Chef Mika Sharon

Israeli-inspired Cuisine by Chef Mika Sharon

    The Embassy of Israel celebrates its 60th Israel-Thailand  to the diplomatic relations anniversary, by holding a series of events to mark its diamond anniversary in 2014.

    2 January 2014: Israeli Chef Mika Sharon, the former executive chef and culinary producer of Madonna’s MDNA world tour opening, joined Thai celebrity Chef Phol (Phol Food Mafia พลพรรคนักปรุง) in cooking some Israeli-inspired dishes for the New Year.​
    18 December 2013: Well-known food writerand bloggers, including L’OFFICIEL Thailand magazine, Gourmet & Cousine, Close to Heaven and Design Cuisine were invited  for a cooking demonstration with Chef Mika.


    17 December 2013: Israeli Chef Mika Sharon and Chef McDang held a playful cooking workshop at Mercy Centre, founderprivileged children, What a wonderful day!​​

    Other events throughout the 60th year anniversary  will include an art exhibition, film festival, concerts, book launching and much more. For more information about the upcoming events, please visit​

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