Israeli Medical Eye Camp in Cambodia

Israeli Medical Eye Camp in Cambodia

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    20161124 Israeli Medical Eye Camp in Cambodia 20161124 Israeli Medical Eye Camp in Cambodia
    Two Israeli ophthalmologists, Dr. Ori Mahler and Dr. Nadav Belfair, and Cambodian doctors set up an “Israeli Medical Eye Camp” in Preah Ang Dong Hospital in Cambodia from November 21-30, 2016.
    The opening ceremony of the program was inaugurated by H.E. Mr. Chou Yin Sim, Secretary of State, Ministry of Health in Cambodia and H.E. Mr. Simon Roded, the non-resident Ambassador of Israel to Cambodia.
    The Israeli-Cambodian surgical team will conduct examinations and performed dozens of surgical procedures focusing on cataracts.
    Ambassador Simon Roded stressed that this medical mission is an effective cooperation between MASHAV (Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation), the Cambodian Ministry of Health and Preah Ang Dong Hospital, and therefore, friendship between Israel and Cambodia.